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Orange County Otters - Printable Version

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RE: Orange County Otters - Memento Mori - 06-07-2021

$1m of therapy to deal with learning that Ramza just ate all of those banana skins.

No amount of therapy will ever remove the image of Ramza eating all those banana skins from your brain, but it's healthy to try anyway. The therapist has free lollipop and 5 TPE party bags.

RE: Orange County Otters - Gragg9 - 06-07-2021

1m bet that you process this training

I don't accept the bet? Get out of here with your attempts to circumvent the cost.

RE: Orange County Otters - SeymourSnatches - 06-07-2021

1m for boots with the fur

The whole club was looking at Bean Beanman. He hit the QB, next thing you know, Beany got 5 TPE (TPE, TPE, TPE)

RE: Orange County Otters - shrub02 - 06-08-2021

$1M bribe to my coach so I don't have to work out this week

I know your GMs, 1m is a way overestimate of what it would take to bribe them but they appreciate it anyway and send you on your way with 5 TPE.

RE: Orange County Otters - ReverendOReily - 06-09-2021

$1m to buy Bean Beanman apple bottom jeans

They go very nicely with his boots with the fur. You get 5 TPE of fashion sense.

RE: Orange County Otters - Duilio05 - 06-11-2021

$1M Hiking to Clouds Rest

A lovely hike up Clouds Rest gives you perspective on life and what's truly important. You realise that TPE is the answer and pick up 5 from the shop on the way back home.

RE: Orange County Otters - Blasoon - 06-11-2021

$1M for a banquet of all the namesakes of ISFL brandings.

It's a wacky banquet, part on land, part on sea and an entire construction crew needed to bring the philadelphia bell across the country. It goes smoothly (somehow) and everyone agrees to just go 8-8 next season and all be happy with friendship instead. The food is delicious but you're particuarly partial to the 5 ingredient pie. All 5 of those ingredients are TPE.

RE: Orange County Otters - speculadora - 06-13-2021

$1m training


RE: Orange County Otters - Eldorian - 06-14-2021

1M to port GOAT TANK SIMULATOR as a new VR experience with full haptic suits

GOAT TANK SIMULATOR VR will let you experience a whole new side of GOAT TANK SIMULATOR as you can feel the goat-yness first hand through the new haptic suits. Buy today to avoid missing out for only 5 TPE!

RE: Orange County Otters - Memento Mori - 06-14-2021

$1m for a beach holiday with PMoney

You join PMoney and Dewalt on the beach holiday of a lifetime. You brought new matching outfits for us all and the world goes in slow motion as we walk down to the beach. We drink mimosas then Mojitos then Old Fashioned then anything left at the resort quite frankly. All this alcohol could be the cause of the world moving slowly actually... but we dance the night away on an unforgettable holiday. You get 5 TPE of hopes and dreams for post covid times when Boris lets us out.