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Raphael Delacour updates - Printable Version

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RE: Raphael Delacour updates - 37thchamber - 06-19-2021

+ 5 S29 Offseason Point Task
+ 2 Activity Check 210
+ 5 Free Weekly Training (w/c May 24)
+ 3 Charity TPE
+ 2 Activity Check 211
+ 5 Weekly Training w/c May 31
+ 3 S29 Week 1 Predictions
+ 2 S29 Week 2 Predictions
+ 2 S29 Week 3 Predictions
+ 2 S29 Week 4 Predictions
+ 3 S29 Week 5 Predictions
+ 2 S29 Week 6 Predictions
+ 4 S29 Week 7 Predictions
+ 3 S29 PT2
+ 5 Weekly Training w/c Jun 7
+ 2 Activity Check 212
+ 2 Activity Check 213
+ 5 Weekly Training w/c Jun 14
+ 3 S29 Week 9 Predictions
+ 3 S29 Week 10 Predictions
+ 3 S29 Week 11 Predictions
+ 3 S29 Week 12 Predictions
+ 3 S29 PT3

TPE: 869 + 72 = 941

Updated Attributes

+ 40 Strength (50 > 70)
+ 35 Intelligence (65 > 75)
-3 Bank (14 > 11)

RE: Raphael Delacour updates - Kyle - 06-20-2021


Total 941
Bank 11

RE: Raphael Delacour updates - 37thchamber - 06-25-2021

+ 5 Weekly Training w/c Jun 21
+ 2 Activity Check 214
+ 2 S29 Week 13 Predictions
+ 3 S29 Week 14 Predictions
+ 3 S29 PT4
+ 3 S29 Week 15 Predictions

TPE: 941 + 18 = 959

Updated Attributes

+ 25 Competitiveness (71 > 76)
-7 Bank (11 > 4)

RE: Raphael Delacour updates - Trautner - 06-26-2021

COL 959 TPE, 4 banked

RE: Raphael Delacour updates - 37thchamber - 07-24-2021

+ 5 Weekly Training w/c Jun 28
+ 2 Activity Check 215
+ 2 Activity Check 216
+ 5 Weekly Training w/c Jul 12
+ 2 Activity Check 217
+ 5 Weekly Training w/c Jul 19
+ 2 Activity Check 218
+ 2 S29 Week 16 Predictions
+ 30 S30 Tier 6 Equipment
+ 5 S30 Training Camp
+ 12 S29 Predictions
+ 3 S29 PT5
+ 2 S29 Playoff Predictions
+ 10 S29 Ultimus Week
+ 7 S30 Mock Draft
+ 5 S30 Offseason PT
+ 3 S30 Week 1 Predictions
+ 4 S30 Week 2 Predictions

TPE: 959 + 106 = 1065

Updated Attributes

+ 30 Agility (90 > 92)
+ 5 Intelligence (75 > 76)
+ 75 Speed (90 > 95)
-4 Bank (4 > 0)

RE: Raphael Delacour updates - Arkz - 07-24-2021


Total TPE: 1,065
Banked TPE: 0

RE: Raphael Delacour updates - Asked Madden - 08-10-2021

This player has been Audited to this point!
Everything is good to go!

Total TPE: 1065
Banked TPE: 0


RE: Raphael Delacour updates - 37thchamber - 08-13-2021

+ 2 S30 Week 3 Predictions
+ 2 S30 Week 4 Predictions
+ 3 S30 Week 5 Predictions
+ 3 S30 PT 1
+ 2 S30 Week 8 Predictions
+ 2 S30 Week 9 Predictions
+ 3 S30 PT 2
+ 3 S30 Week 10 Predictions
+ 2 S30 Week 11 Predictions
+ 3 S30 PT 3
+ 2 Activity Check 219
+ 2 Activity Check 220
+ 2 Activity Check 221
+ 5 Weekly Training w/c Jul 26
+ 5 Weekly Training w/c Aug 2
+ 5 Weekly Training w/c Aug 9

TPE: 1065 + 46 = 1111

Updated Attributes

+ 45 Agility (92 > 95)
+ 5 Competitiveness (76 > 77)
- 4 Bank (4 > 0)

RE: Raphael Delacour updates - Arkz - 08-14-2021


You had 0 TPE in the Bank, so unfortunately not able to upgrade your Competitiveness at this time. It remains at 76.

Total TPE: 1111
Banked TPE: 1

RE: Raphael Delacour updates - 37thchamber - 09-13-2021

+ 2 Activity Check 222
+ 2 Activity Check 223
+ 2 Activity Check 224
+ 2 Activity Check 225
+ 2 Activity Check 226
+ 5 Weekly Training w/c Aug 30
+ 5 Weekly Training w/c Sep 6
+ 5 Weekly Training w/c Sep 13
+ 3 S30 Week 12 Predictions
+ 2 S30 Week 13 Predictions
+ 2 S30 Week 14 Predictions
+ 2 S30 Week 15 Predictions
+ 2 S30 Week 16 Predictions
+ 8 Season 30 Predictions
+ 10 Season 30 Ultimus Week
+ 6 S31 Mock Draft
+ 30 S31 Tier 6 Equipment
+ 3 S31 Training Camp

TPE: 1111 + 93 = 1204

Updated Attributes

+ 20 Intelligence (76 > 80)
+ 50 Endurance (85 > 90)
+ 20 Competitiveness (76 > 80)
+ 3 Bank (1 > 4)