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NSFL Werewolf Game #6 - Printable Version

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NSFL Werewolf Game #6 - 124715 - 01-23-2019

What is werewolf?
“[Werewolf] is a game of i dun messed up lol”
Have you ever sat in a circle with your friends and played mafia, or maybe read a detective novel and tried to figure out the puzzle along with the protagonist? Werewolf is a fascinating game along the lines of mafia. It takes place in a tiny, isolated village where everyone seems normal. But of course, that’s not how it works. Some of the townspeople transform into werewolves and eat a villager every night. The rest need to ally against the wolves to take back their beloved village by hanging a person each day. The catch? Nobody knows who’s who. Between the mystical Seer, the watchful Lookout, and the tricky Traveler, the village has the power to match up against the powerful Alpha Wolf, the deceptive Framer, and the sly Turncoat, but as another villager dies each night, the town desperately needs to come out ahead in a race against time.
The game is played in a discord chat (to join, use this invite https://discord.gg/3cYv6cf) with different channels (#wolf-talk for wolves, #general for town discussion, and #player-memos for anyone to post different observations). The moderator directs flow of the game and assigns roles randomly at the start of the game. Each day, the town votes on a person to lynch, while each night, the wolves choose who to eat and power roles submit their requests. For example, the Doctor chooses to give immunity to one person each night. For a full explanation of the rules, check out #rules. If you’re wondering about all the possible roles, take a look at #roles. As always, if you have questions feel free to DM me, @124715#8269.

Why should I play werewolf?

Werewolf is tons of fun.
“I love [Werewolf]”

Werewolf is full of action and strategy. The entire game is a race against time: You and your villagers scour the clues for any indication of the wolves who plague your town, while the wolves try to hide behind fear, uncertainty, and doubt among the village. A small mistake or strange message gets blown up into a campaign for your head, and a little information goes a long way. Wild role claims, last-ditch lies, and furious protests drive the game of Werewolf.

Werewolf lets you know league-mates better.
"I'm IA in NSFL but I'll play this."
Teamwork makes (or breaks) the game of Werewolf. Without communication, the villagers will be picked off one-by-one, and the wolves will get quickly found out. Playing Werewolf is a spectacular way to meet new league members and have some fun!

Werewolf is addictive.
“In case anyone was wondering what their therapist done during down time or in between sessions its 100% play werewolf on discord.”

Werewolf is like Stormblessed - it moves fast and it doesn’t stay in one place for long. As new information comes in at dawn, the villagers with powerful roles need to figure out how to direct the village without revealing their power. Everyone else needs to sift the real information from the fake, as time goes on and the target for lynching gets pressured more and more.

So - sound like fun? To sign up, just join the server (https://discord.gg/3cYv6cf) and send me a PM saying you’d like to join!

tl;dr: Werewolf is a fun game and you should 100% give it a try! Join the server and PM me.

if your username is below, you are signed up for game 6

NSFL Werewolf Game #6 - SwagSloth - 01-23-2019

Join the fun!

NSFL Werewolf Game #6 - tlk742 - 01-23-2019

I'm in.

NSFL Werewolf Game #6 - Dangles13 - 01-24-2019

Come for the game, stay for the #dead_chat!

NSFL Werewolf Game #6 - majesiu - 01-24-2019

Great fun, especially if you spent quite a lot of time on the discord anyway if not good reason to start doing that

NSFL Werewolf Game #6 - AdamS - 01-24-2019

watch everyone try to outsmart themselves and each other and also themselves

dont worry, that will make sense

NSFL Werewolf Game #6 - 124715 - 01-27-2019

signups are closed! to sign up for the next game message me and i'll be sure to give you a role when that game starts.