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Tribal Wars - Printable Version

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Tribal Wars - PaytonM34 - 03-24-2019

Hey guys!

So there's this old school browser game called Tribal Wars that is pretty low effort but can be fun when you have a large group of guys together. A brief description of the game would be that it is a real time online strategy war game.

Anyways, a new world just started (a fresh one starts once every couple months, and a world lasts about a year or two) and I was thinking of setting up a PBE / NSFL tribe. There will also be a discord channel for us to talk in.

There's not a huge commitment level to it, you could be successful with just 5 mins a day on the site/app, but just like sim leagues, there's always more you can do to keep busy!

Anyways here's the link to the tribe and to the discord if you're interested.



Tribal Wars - SwagSloth - 03-26-2019

I made an account. It looks like the discord link expired, though.

Tribal Wars - PaytonM34 - 03-29-2019

Bump, we got about 10 dudes so far!

Were all learning the ropes together and about to start kicking some ass

Tribal Wars - 124715 - 04-02-2019

This is a ton of fun! Everyone should join!

Tribal Wars - AdamS - 04-03-2019

Even im doing shit. Get in here. Let's run this map.