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Real Life Article - Printable Version

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Real Life Article - kckolbe - 07-09-2017

Hey folks, I'm actually trying to break in as a sports writer in real life. I had an article published today on the Houston Texans and their offseason quarterback decisions. It's my longest article, but hopefully worth the time. Let me know what you think.


Real Life Article - Admin - 07-09-2017

Nice writing @kckolbe

Real Life Article - kckolbe - 07-09-2017

Thanks. That was actually the last in the series, but the only one published after coming here.

My other articles in that series can be found here: http://www.deepishthoughts.com/author/kevin-kolbe/

Additionally, I wrote an article for Football Outsiders last month, which you can see here: http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stat-anal...and-salary-2016