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*Twitter Claim 4/26 - 5/2 - Printable Version

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*Twitter Claim 4/26 - 5/2 - Laser - 04-27-2020

Follow the Rules and tweet away! Post your Twitter profile url below to be eligible for the payouts.

Hand out some likes guys! And tag @NSFLFootball.

This week's featured hashtag is #BackToFootball

*Twitter Claim 4/26 - 5/2 - BRNXB0MBERS - 04-27-2020

Pete "Plop" Miller - https://twitter.com/PlopMillerNSFL

Arizona Outlaws - https://twitter.com/AriOutlawsNSFL

*Twitter Claim 4/26 - 5/2 - iStegosauruz - 04-27-2020

Colt Mendoza / iStegosauruz

*Twitter Claim 4/26 - 5/2 - IsaStarcrossed - 04-27-2020


*Twitter Claim 4/26 - 5/2 - slothfacekilla - 04-27-2020


*Twitter Claim 4/26 - 5/2 - Nhamlet - 04-27-2020


*Twitter Claim 4/26 - 5/2 - BenDover - 04-27-2020

Jamar Lackson Twitter

*Twitter Claim 4/26 - 5/2 - HENDRIX 2.0 - 04-27-2020


*Twitter Claim 4/26 - 5/2 - Lightnoir - 04-27-2020


*Twitter Claim 4/26 - 5/2 - RainDelay - 04-27-2020
