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Update time - Printable Version

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Update time - WALDO - 04-28-2020

Recently, I have been a bit more IA than usual, and have good reason for that, and while it took me a long time to get this message out to you and my other sim leagues, I feel you guys just have to know whats going on

About 3 weeks ago I got a call from my uncle saying that my grandfather, who has dementia, was scared of getting the virus and wanted someone to help him so he doesn't get it, as he lives alone. My grandfather was never a rich man and neither were any of us, so we chose (ignorantly, although hindsight is 20/20) to have me go up there since I have apparently always been "the favorite grandchild" and help take care of him instead of hiring someone, which i opposed and generally was upset about but kept it away from chat as I felt it was something too negative to bring in. I got to his house on friday, April 10th, to find that A. he has no internet connection in his house, B. I get no cell service anywhere within 20 miles of his house, and any cell service can barely be used to talk to my family and girlfriend, and C. my luggage with my laptop and varius other electronics was left at my house after I forgot to load it in my car.

After a few days of going stir crazy with him, I started having a cough. I believed it was just allergens as I had been outside caring for his flowers and writing music, but later I started to have a fever and I knew I had it. We had to revise the original plan, which was for me to stay one week and be back and we could switch out every alternating week, but we were told now by a good 9/10 of the family to stay in his local town and head to the hospital if needed.

As of now, I have thankfully recovered from the illness but my grandfather sadly is still doing bad, so I am going to be staying for another 2 weeks, as my family now refers to me as "immune". We have not had to keep him in this hospital for long but he still feels ill and we don't know if he can make it through, the virus is kicking his ass.

Yes, my family is bunch of dumb idiots who caused this mess, but I do take responsibility for not letting someone know I would be gone for while, but I feel there should be an exception to some rules during a fucking pandemic, but that's just my opinion.

Please everyone, stay home, wash you hands, and don't listen to your republican family members

-Love, Waldo

Update time - Thor - 04-28-2020

Good luck with everything mate, I don't think anyone is/would be upset about the lack of communication - real life comes first.