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Raphael Delacour updates - Printable Version

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Raphael Delacour updates - 37thchamber - 09-05-2020

Activity Check 172 + 2
Training w/c Aug 31 + 5

TPE: 50 + 7 = 57

Updated Attributes

+ 7 Bank (0 > 7)

RE: Raphael Delacour updates - nunccoepi - 09-05-2020

Total tpe: 57
Applied tpe: 50
Banked tpe: 7


RE: Raphael Delacour updates - 37thchamber - 09-09-2020

Activity Check 173 + 2
Training w/c Sep 6 + 5
Wiki + 10
Charity Event Milestone + 3
S24 Week 14 Predictions + 2
S24 Week 15 Predictions + 2
S24 - PT 4 + 3

TPE: 57 + 27 = 84

Updated Attributes

+ 27 Bank (7 > 34)

RE: Raphael Delacour updates - Z-Whiz - 09-12-2020


RE: Raphael Delacour updates - 37thchamber - 09-16-2020

Activity Check 174 + 2
Training w/c Sep 13 + 5
S24 - PT 5 + 3
S24 Playoff Predictions + 3
Activity Check 175 + 2
Training w/c Sep 20 + 5
S25 Equipment + 30
DSFL Training Camp + 10
Activity Check 176 + 2
Training w/c Sep 27 + 5
S24 Ultimus Week + 10
S25 Mock Draft + 5

TPE: 84 + 82 = 166

Updated Attributes

+ 82 Bank (34 > 116)

RE: Raphael Delacour updates - Z-Whiz - 10-03-2020

upbanked. Total 166, Banked 116.

RE: Raphael Delacour updates - 37thchamber - 10-10-2020

Bout to throw off the weighted clothing like Piccolo

Activity Check 177 + 2
Training w/c Oct 4 + 5
S25 Week 1 Predictions + 2
S25 Week 2 Predictions + 2
S25 Week 3 & 4 Predictions + 4

TPE: 166 + 15 = 181

Updated Attributes

+ 40 Agility (70 > 78)
+ 50 Speed (70 > 80)
+ 40 Hands (70 > 78)
+ -115 Bank (116 > 1)

RE: Raphael Delacour updates - Z-Whiz - 10-10-2020

Pudbated. Total 181, Banked 1.

RE: Raphael Delacour updates - 37thchamber - 10-17-2020

Activity Check 178 + 2
Training w/c Oct 11 + 5
S25 Week 5 Predictions + 3
S25 Week 6 Predictions + 3
S25 Week 7 Predictions + 3
S25 - PT 1 + 3

TPE: 181 + 19 = 200

Updated Attributes

+ 10 Agility (78 > 80)
+ 10 Hands (78 > 80)
+ -1 Bank (1 > 0)

RE: Raphael Delacour updates - Z-Whiz - 10-18-2020

Budtape. Total 200, Banked 0