You guys have voted, so let's announce a winner.
Without a further ado, the Ultimus will be held in.....
Hong Kong!
Congrats to @qWest! The Fragrant Harbour shall be an incredible place to play our biggest game.
The Ultimini will be going hollywood as we bring the glitz and glamour to LA. So congratss to @TMosura
And the WFC and the ISFL will make their first foray into Africa with the international tournament being hosted in Nairobi. Congratulations are in order for @Michiganonymous
Thank you to everyone who participated. Hopefully we'll get some good games going this postseason.
Without a further ado, the Ultimus will be held in.....
Hong Kong!
Congrats to @qWest! The Fragrant Harbour shall be an incredible place to play our biggest game.
The Ultimini will be going hollywood as we bring the glitz and glamour to LA. So congratss to @TMosura
And the WFC and the ISFL will make their first foray into Africa with the international tournament being hosted in Nairobi. Congratulations are in order for @Michiganonymous
Thank you to everyone who participated. Hopefully we'll get some good games going this postseason.