It was early in the morning following the news that Rich Triplet, one of the top corners from the historically large season 25 ISFL draft would be testing free agency. During a recent interview Rich Triplet let it be known that he is still interested in re-signing with San Jose but would like to feel the market out and is also open to moving on from the team that drafted him with the final pick in the first round. "San Jose has given me a wonderful opportunity to play with some great guys, but I feel it's in my best interest to test free agency out at this time. I have to think about my post playing career and what I want to do after football. I think being an agent is in my future, so I want to see how top players like myself are treated in free agency. I am obligated to say that if I were to ever become an agent I would have to cut ties with LSG as Lavelle Sports Group has never been nor ever will be an agency." Quickly following the presser likeminded athlete's from LSG approached Rich and informed him of an opportunity that they themselves have considered and that is using the media as a way to boost the brand name associated with themselves, as elite athletes. Rich was fond of the idea and during the off-season of the ISFL will be filming, My Next Chapter: a Rich Triplet story, expect it on all streaming platforms before an official signing has been made public, with the final episode premiering the day he signs a deal.
A producer showed up to the first day of shooting Von Hayes' newest project. The name of the project is called "Days of our Hayes". It follows around Von Hayes as he goes throughout his week. In his first week, they follow him as he prepares for a game against the Liberty. The first day of them filming is the day after the Butchers lost to the Sailfish at home. Von Hayes finished that game with a single tackle and a sack. Coach Muford really tore into the team, especially the offense, who were unable to score enough points thanks to crucial turnovers. After his rest day at the training facility ended, Hayes went into the city of Chicago to take part in one of his charity events. He was giving out jackets and winter pants to the more unfortunate people in the city. The next two days of filming were both days of normal practice. In this time, Hayes went over his morning routine, and showed off his favorite protein shake combination, and favorite post workout meal, spicy shrimp curry over rice. The day before the Butchers were scheduled to play the Liberty, Hayes had a light workout, before doing some additional film reviewing of his opponents offensive line, before going to bed. The final day of the first week the crews had unparalleled access to the Butchers sideline. They recorded the 44-7 beatdown of the Liberty, a game where Von Hayes had 4 tackles, 2 sacks, and a fumble recovery. After the game Hayes gave out an inspirational speech in the locker-room, as they prepared for the next week against a tough Berlin team.
I absolutely despise reality television. Like can't watch it at all. This topic is pretty difficult for me as a result because I don't have a basis for what would be a normal reality show. I don't think I'm particularly interesting enough to warrant a show either, but I guess if I got one it would have to be some cooking show. Stegosauri (Is that the plural? Who really knows?) are herbivores so we could explore the modern diet of an ancient creature. I assume its mostly going to consist of Panera Bread, a restaurant that I as a user am not a fan of but I assume fits the diet of a stegosaurus. Enough meat to be classified as protein but plenty of leaves and other forms of rabbit food. Maybe as a user we could talk about my love life because its such a crazy situation. Don't ask Chunt, but also like that should give you enough detail to know. A badger with two anuses writes media constantly about how much they want to sleep with me. Feels like its good enough for a reality show. Isn't that just the plot of the bachelor/bachelorette anyway? Someone needs to fill me in on whether I'm correct or not.
If a famous producer approached my player with the idea to make them a star beyond the football field, he would definitely take part in following him to different gaming tournaments. In his free time, Ryan Negs is an avid gamer of a lot of different games. One of his favorites to play is Super Smash Brothers Melee on the Gamecube. As a kid, Negs grew up absolutely loving the game and put a decent amount of time into it when he wasn’t practicing. He went to a lot of local LAN tournaments to play against people and he did fairly well. The spark that made him love Melee never quite left Negs. In this show, Negs would go back to different local tournaments in his hometown Georgia, his DSFL city Minnesota, and of course his current town Philadelphia. It would be an entertainment show at first as Negs is not as good as he used to be, but it would be fun to see what his skillset is like and the reactions from people seeing a professional football player show up at their local tournaments. At the end of each episode, the show would recap the record of Ryan Negs at each of the tournaments and show his placing, hopefully seeing him improve over the season.
Thomas Rose has always been determined to make the best out of his life, and thankfully, he has been able to play professional football at the highest level he can. The ISFL has treated him very well, but he always had that "What If" in the back of his head on what he would do if he did not have football in his life. He has always dreamed of becoming an actor, but when football and workouts became a big part of his life, he put his "dream" to the side and never thought nothing of it. That was until his agent called him with an idea that was way too large to pass up: he would have his own show where he traveled the world, taking in the most beautiful sites from around the globe during his offseason! "Stopping to Smell the Roses" would be the name of the show, and it would encompass Thomas Rose traveling to different cities, towns, states, countries, and taking in the most magnificent sites, landmarks, food, anything that is a tourist hotspot or gem of the land, Thomas Rose would go to and check out for himself. Along the way he would bring teammates and friends that were from the area he was going, and have his own personal tour guide. He has always loved to travel, so this show would be able to bring out his personality, good looks, and help him achieve his dream of going to every country in the world!
This spring, Andrew Witten will be hosting a brand new television series called Pepper Madness. In the show, Witten will join other football players around the league, trying some of the hottest foods and craziest spicy food challenges in the country. He always enjoyed spicy foods of all kinds, and his unique and entertaining presence will delight audiences as he sweats and tears up while eating insanely spicy food. He will also be providing insights into the life and routine of a professional football player, especially their diets and training regimens. He will eat at a variety of restaurants which all have one thing in common: intense heat levels. In the first season, Witten will visit restaurants specializing in Northern Indian cuisine, known for their depth of spices and the Bhut Jolokia (ghost pepper), killer Buffalo wings, spicy Tex-Mex, five-alarm chili that really brings the heat, Caribbean cuisine featuring Scotch Bonnet and Trinidad Scorpion peppers, and more. He will also interview food science experts about the science of spicy food, the Scoville scale, and potential dangers and health benefits of spicy food. He even takes a special trip to South Carolina to visit the Puckerbutt Pepper Company. The largest organic pepper farm in the United States, Puckerbutt Peppers is known for crossbreeding peppers to create some of the hottest peppers on earth, including the famous Carolina Reaper pepper.
Something I've been interested in that I don't think is really out on the market yet is activewear for sore muscle groups. A lot of people really suffer starting out with calves knees and whatnot. Being from a middle class upbringing in a relatively poor nation Alejandro Chainbreaker would be well versed in the older friends of his politician parents complaints when he is in sports so much. Not just a Message gun type deal but compression wraps for the body that contain pouches for heating and cooling gells. The real key to marketing sportswear in a third world country is to get really guerrilla marketing with it. Kids really like looking up to the young athletes and new celebrities that have a social media presence that is authentic. throwing money at them as a fellow athlete that goes beyond just cash in their pocket but giving them the gear for free that they are then told not to endorse publicly. Thats the key to Chainbreakers branded stuff in Argentina. People wouldn't know what the things are they would just see it on various young athletes and then research it for themselves. Once you've got the young demographic hooked on it the real money of their parents will come easily. More than just a money grab through Chainbreaker would put his name on the product. Decades after hes dead George Forman will be known in houses first as the guy who peddeled the smokeless grill. Thats the real value in the pitch Chainbreaker gets.
Jake Fencik was approached by a strange Russian man on the street one day who asked him if he wanted to be on a cooking show. Ignoring all of the red flags, Fencik accepted the man's offer. Turns out Fencik was right to ignore the red flags as the man hosted an actual cooking show, and Fencik was one of the next ones to cook on it. The show was not just any cooking show though, it was a cooking competition, and one where people used their superhuman skills outside of the kitchen inside the kitchen. Fencik's superhuman skill was kicking things really far and accurately, so he decided to make the one thing that came to mind, a fruit tart. Fencik stood 40 yards away from his tart shell, and punted many fruits into the shell, not missing a single one. Deciding this was not enough Fencik decided to make something else, a drink. To create this drink Fencik came up with another way to incorporate his skill, he would kick the fruit so hard that all of the liquid came out of it, and fell into the glass. His impressive display of his skill, and the taste of the tart and drink was good enough to win him the competition on that episode.