This league means quite a bit more to me than I ever expect it would. When I first joined, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I saw a random post on r/dolphins and gave it a look over. I lingered for a day or two then decided to create my character. I wasn’t really sure what I was getting into or if I would stick with it. I typically start career modes in Madden or Fifa and by the time I get through one or two seasons, I get board of the team I’ve created and slowly stop playing. This was completely different. I owe that in large part to the culture in the London locker room when I first joined. All the guys there were great, the brought me in right away and made it feel like a family. With the pandemic, I haven’t been able to do much athletic competition, so something like twitter has given me that edge and thrill of talking trash and backing it up (even though it’s mostly RNG). It’s all been in good fun. Sure, maybe I’ve gone a little far once or twice, but that’s water under the bridge.
I went from not even knowing how to work discord or navigate the forums to being the GM of the Arizona Outlaws. I was about to end that sentence with “in a short few month”. Then I checked my profile. I joined in May of 2020. I honestly can’t believe I’ve already spent 6 months in this league. I'm usually bored and down with role play games like this after a month or two. The time really has flown by. Within those 6 months, I’ve self-taught myself (with the guidance of others) how to write and run scripts for simming and brushed up on my photoshop skills that I hadn’t used in over a decade. This league has been an incredible outlet for my creative abilities. I might not be the best at either, but I’m proud of what I’ve been able to do.
I’ll close with this… The night London won the Ultimini was possibly the happiest I had been since the lockdown hit. The discord channels were popping and the drinks were flowing. I was legit celebrating like the Dolphins had won the Super Bowl. That’s how much that team and this game meant to me. It didn’t feel like little dots moving across the screen anymore. It felt like my teammates and I had earned that victory through hard work and an idiotic amount of sim testing. I truly care about this league and the people I have met through this league.
I went from not even knowing how to work discord or navigate the forums to being the GM of the Arizona Outlaws. I was about to end that sentence with “in a short few month”. Then I checked my profile. I joined in May of 2020. I honestly can’t believe I’ve already spent 6 months in this league. I'm usually bored and down with role play games like this after a month or two. The time really has flown by. Within those 6 months, I’ve self-taught myself (with the guidance of others) how to write and run scripts for simming and brushed up on my photoshop skills that I hadn’t used in over a decade. This league has been an incredible outlet for my creative abilities. I might not be the best at either, but I’m proud of what I’ve been able to do.
I’ll close with this… The night London won the Ultimini was possibly the happiest I had been since the lockdown hit. The discord channels were popping and the drinks were flowing. I was legit celebrating like the Dolphins had won the Super Bowl. That’s how much that team and this game meant to me. It didn’t feel like little dots moving across the screen anymore. It felt like my teammates and I had earned that victory through hard work and an idiotic amount of sim testing. I truly care about this league and the people I have met through this league.
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