The league has been somewhat of an escape for me. I have not been a part of any other leagues before, and I have not been a part of a league before 2020. As everyone knows 2020 has been a one of a kind year with sports being greatly impacted. As such, the league arrived at a time when there was little to no sports going on, and this league filled that void. Further, it gave me social "sports-watching" with my friends during a time when social interaction was at an all time low across the world. I joked with friends and co-workers that I was probably getting way too much exhilaration from watching dots running across a screen, but it was all I had at the moment, so I was going to root for my team with the same intensity.
It also did a good job at giving me new challenges. I enjoyed doing media work. I enjoyed dabbling in sim-testing. I enjoyed listening to the strategy that war rooms employed. I enjoyed doing something absolutely and totally new!
It also gave my friend-group something new to do together. We always have historically jumped in between group gaming and individual gaming -- whether it was an MMO, Minecraft, or otherwise. Recently, we had been going through a phase where everyone would hang out, but everything was kind of doing their own thing (which is fine, of course). But during a time when online socialization was not happening, group gaming was something I had hoped would pick back up again. Fortunately, we found this, and it has been something we have been able to do together in the months since. While some of us may be on different teams and doing different jobs, we can still all hang out on game day and watch our dots do crazy things on the screen and scream at the screen like we are in our local NFL stadium. Until the sports world returns back to normal (which appears like it will not be until at least next football season for me given that Philadelphia has locked down again), this will have to replace it -- and so far, it has done a great job at doing it.
I think the next 25 seasons are going to look nothing like the first 25 seasons. With the several rounds of expansion already done, and with plans to eventually switch to a new sim... 25 seasons from now the league will likely be unrecognizable. While there still may be familiar faces and dots on the screen, the culture will undoubtedly evolve (hopefully for the better). and strategies with it.
It also did a good job at giving me new challenges. I enjoyed doing media work. I enjoyed dabbling in sim-testing. I enjoyed listening to the strategy that war rooms employed. I enjoyed doing something absolutely and totally new!
It also gave my friend-group something new to do together. We always have historically jumped in between group gaming and individual gaming -- whether it was an MMO, Minecraft, or otherwise. Recently, we had been going through a phase where everyone would hang out, but everything was kind of doing their own thing (which is fine, of course). But during a time when online socialization was not happening, group gaming was something I had hoped would pick back up again. Fortunately, we found this, and it has been something we have been able to do together in the months since. While some of us may be on different teams and doing different jobs, we can still all hang out on game day and watch our dots do crazy things on the screen and scream at the screen like we are in our local NFL stadium. Until the sports world returns back to normal (which appears like it will not be until at least next football season for me given that Philadelphia has locked down again), this will have to replace it -- and so far, it has done a great job at doing it.
I think the next 25 seasons are going to look nothing like the first 25 seasons. With the several rounds of expansion already done, and with plans to eventually switch to a new sim... 25 seasons from now the league will likely be unrecognizable. While there still may be familiar faces and dots on the screen, the culture will undoubtedly evolve (hopefully for the better). and strategies with it.
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