I remember being pretty satisfied when I first started sim leagues. A simulation baseball league where I get to control a player was an awesome concept. It was like finding out you have more presents on Christmas day when I saw there were more simulation leagues. One of the leagues I heard some noise about was the NSFL. The name of the league, itself, made me snicker as, well, it has a 2nd meaning, doesn't it? But I later learned that my good friend and Chicago Kingpins teammate Bex ran the damn league. So after plenty of deliberation, I decided to create as a linebacker. I was told speed was the most important attribute in the league so I picked speed rusher as my build. I remember seeing there was a team located in Minnesota and I thought 'wouldn't it be cool if that were the team that picked me?' They were the team that picked me which led me to think 'wasn't it cool that they were the team that picked me?' My time as a member of the Minnesota Grey Ducks is still my most fond memory of this league. First off, there is no locker room that I know of which is more active. Those guys were on the Discord shooting the shit from dusk till dawn. Most of the time it was incoherent ramblings and emoji spamming but there were some solid conversations in there. Oh yeah, and I've probably seen that picture of Dewalt with his teeth busted about 100 times. The S22 Grey Ducks team might be my favorite team I was ever a part of in sim league history. Everyone was all over every game in the locker room. We celebrated in victory and called bs on the league and HO in defeat. Who could forget the 'Jamar Lackson F speed game' or all the incredible plays made by the #1 DSFL defense? Of course, it had to end in the worst way possible with an OT loss to a team that we frickin beat twice during the gosh darn regular season. I'm still not over that. I was later drafted #69th overall (funny, I know) to Duilio's Baltimore Hawks. I was called up in S23 where Dewalt was, once again, my GM along with Huskies. I've been thankful to have some fantastic people around me while I've been in this league. I'll admit to this league not being my primary focus as far as sim leagues go, but it's definitely in the top 3 (I'm only in 3 leagues). So thank you to everyone who has been nice to me throughout the months. Here's to 25 seasons and 25 seasons more...and NOTHING after that. This league is OVER after S50.
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![[Image: springer_sig.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/759536573720690691/865375940610621441/springer_sig.png)
![[Image: 005p.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/NGNTR73p/005p.jpg)