I admit that this has been a difficult point task for me as I am unsure of how much detail to go into to be honest. Despite completing every point task available to me since the DSFL draft I originally did not expect to get even a fraction as involved in this league as I have to date. Funnily enough I remember responding to DSFL scouting questions that I would probably be a 3 of 10 on activity outside of point tasks since I am not an especially social person. That expectation changed though thanks to the community itself and I could not be more grateful for that.
I joined as part of the mega big S22 r/NFL class as I had seen the S18 advertisement and it looked appealing to me even then, but now I had more time to dedicate to a sim league. Also was more inclined to participate as I had been wanting to write some football related material for a while, and my initial media blitz did a wonderful job of scratching that itch. However I wholeheartedly expected this to be another place where I would be on the fringe of actives and that I would just participate as an average player. There are two distinct memories I have from early on in my league experience though that changed that.
The first being sloth o'clock in the rookie discord right around a week after I joined the league, and the discovery of a user named Slothfacekilla. I distinctly remember that event as I talked to one of my housemates about it and they commented that it sounds like I found my people. Nine months later and I can certainly say it feels like I have found a home of sorts here. One that unsurprisingly sees me on the same team as the wonderful Slothfacekilla who has become one of my most favorite friends in the league.
The second being commissioner Bex commenting that excitement was more valuable than TPE in her opinion. Which given her position and how well she had handled herself in the chats that I had seen is an opinion I valued highly, and still value highly to this day. That was enough for me to want to do my best as the user behind Magnus to make sure that my player did not fall on my account. It turned out quite the opposite as while all my effort to max earn has made Magnus a mediocre defensive tackle; my personality has somehow won people over enough that he was drafted second overall in the largest draft class to date.
Those helped provide the push I needed to give it my all and led to me being invited to the Norfolk locker room by Juni. Who I discovered shares several similar interests to me through our chats in rookie discord. Once in Norfolk though I met Isa who I had already learned about as my media work had drawn comparisons to that point. Weird as it might be Isa was my league idol at the time and so to have a casual conversation with him meant a lot to me.
Magnus would go on to be drafted tenth overall to Norfolk which is still one of my favorite moments in the league as excitement was high at the time. I will not lie and say Norfolk is my favorite of the locker rooms that I have gotten to be in during my time in sim leagues, but it is easily a close second. It is a place that has led me to take almost a hundred screenshots of cherished memories as a sort of digital scrap book. Normally I might thank the people who have made that experience so enjoyable here, but as there are far too many of them to list I will just say thank you to the members of the Norfolk Seawolves locker room who have made my time in this league so enjoyable.
Since I mentioned that Norfolk is my second favorite; I feel it only fair to shout out my favorite which is the New Orleans Second Line server which has been my favorite discord server for a while now. I just checked with the hope that there would be a Z user name associated with the server, but alas there is not. So instead from AdamS to Wombat I can say that the server has been a wonderfully warm place for me. Although just like Norfolk there are far too many people to thank everyone individually for their contribution to making that locker room as lovely as it has been for me. Although I do want to give a special shout out to LordBirdman who is the user behind LeBong Simwell who is Magnus' fellow defensive tackle as I really love the enthusiasm they bring. Genuinely though I love the New Orleans locker room and the people in it, and I am incredibly glad that I get to be a part of it.
The league means a lot to me as it has provided me a place to be away from the chaos of reality and a pleasant place at that. Whether it be in the form of some of my favorite discords, the media section that is so creative, or the point tasks that are so thoughtfully put together by the player progression team. I enjoy my time here and the escape that it provides from the ongoing reality around us. It is also nice that when that reality gets to be too much that there are people here who are willing to listen and that so many are supportive of one another at that time. Just seeing that reminder of the kindness of human beings is enough to brighten my day.
Thank you and I hope that you have a lovely day!
I joined as part of the mega big S22 r/NFL class as I had seen the S18 advertisement and it looked appealing to me even then, but now I had more time to dedicate to a sim league. Also was more inclined to participate as I had been wanting to write some football related material for a while, and my initial media blitz did a wonderful job of scratching that itch. However I wholeheartedly expected this to be another place where I would be on the fringe of actives and that I would just participate as an average player. There are two distinct memories I have from early on in my league experience though that changed that.
The first being sloth o'clock in the rookie discord right around a week after I joined the league, and the discovery of a user named Slothfacekilla. I distinctly remember that event as I talked to one of my housemates about it and they commented that it sounds like I found my people. Nine months later and I can certainly say it feels like I have found a home of sorts here. One that unsurprisingly sees me on the same team as the wonderful Slothfacekilla who has become one of my most favorite friends in the league.
The second being commissioner Bex commenting that excitement was more valuable than TPE in her opinion. Which given her position and how well she had handled herself in the chats that I had seen is an opinion I valued highly, and still value highly to this day. That was enough for me to want to do my best as the user behind Magnus to make sure that my player did not fall on my account. It turned out quite the opposite as while all my effort to max earn has made Magnus a mediocre defensive tackle; my personality has somehow won people over enough that he was drafted second overall in the largest draft class to date.
Those helped provide the push I needed to give it my all and led to me being invited to the Norfolk locker room by Juni. Who I discovered shares several similar interests to me through our chats in rookie discord. Once in Norfolk though I met Isa who I had already learned about as my media work had drawn comparisons to that point. Weird as it might be Isa was my league idol at the time and so to have a casual conversation with him meant a lot to me.
Magnus would go on to be drafted tenth overall to Norfolk which is still one of my favorite moments in the league as excitement was high at the time. I will not lie and say Norfolk is my favorite of the locker rooms that I have gotten to be in during my time in sim leagues, but it is easily a close second. It is a place that has led me to take almost a hundred screenshots of cherished memories as a sort of digital scrap book. Normally I might thank the people who have made that experience so enjoyable here, but as there are far too many of them to list I will just say thank you to the members of the Norfolk Seawolves locker room who have made my time in this league so enjoyable.
Since I mentioned that Norfolk is my second favorite; I feel it only fair to shout out my favorite which is the New Orleans Second Line server which has been my favorite discord server for a while now. I just checked with the hope that there would be a Z user name associated with the server, but alas there is not. So instead from AdamS to Wombat I can say that the server has been a wonderfully warm place for me. Although just like Norfolk there are far too many people to thank everyone individually for their contribution to making that locker room as lovely as it has been for me. Although I do want to give a special shout out to LordBirdman who is the user behind LeBong Simwell who is Magnus' fellow defensive tackle as I really love the enthusiasm they bring. Genuinely though I love the New Orleans locker room and the people in it, and I am incredibly glad that I get to be a part of it.
The league means a lot to me as it has provided me a place to be away from the chaos of reality and a pleasant place at that. Whether it be in the form of some of my favorite discords, the media section that is so creative, or the point tasks that are so thoughtfully put together by the player progression team. I enjoy my time here and the escape that it provides from the ongoing reality around us. It is also nice that when that reality gets to be too much that there are people here who are willing to listen and that so many are supportive of one another at that time. Just seeing that reminder of the kindness of human beings is enough to brighten my day.
Thank you and I hope that you have a lovely day!
Word Count: 967