It is the 25th anniversary of the ISFL and what a great 25 seasons it has been. I joined this league about halfway through at S13. I was a young buck, one month into my Pro Baseball Experience career when I heard about this sister sim league based around football. It’s hard to remember what I was doing before sim leagues but this has been one of my favorite hobbies the past couple of seasons. It’s fun to look back at the frustration I had in my early days of sim football. I was a waiver pick up then fell in the subsequent draft to the 11th round. I felt unwanted and disrespected. It wasn’t long before I realized the sim loved me. I won a lot in my Pythons career as Franklin Armstrong, and then I won a whole lot when I was drafted to the Otters. The vast majority of my memories of this league belong to the Otters. Franklin Armstrong became one of the more popular players in sim league history as he won three straight MVPs, three straight Ultimus championships on the road and went to 6 straight Pro Bowls. To commemorate Armstrong’s place in history, he was voted to First Team on the 25th Anniversary Team, along with so many other great players and users who’ve contributed to this league. Now people call Armstrong the GOAT, and considering this is a sim league, it feels a whole lot better than it should hilariously enough. I’ve been a part of a few locker rooms long term over the course of my sim history in this league. The Pythons, the Otters, and the Birddogs and I’ve been really appreciative of all the people I’ve met over the course of these 12ish seasons.
Armstrong has since retired and I’m just waiting for his HOF induction in S28. In the meantime, I’ve recreated for my next sim character by the name of Big Slammu. I’ve kept up with the theme of putting some of my favorite cartoon characters into the sim world. I was hoping to be a LB who got a lot of sacks but we’ll see. I plan to max earn with him as well so I hope the league is still thriving when we’re on Season 35+. I can’t wait to see what the next 25 seasons in this great league will bring, all the new teams, all the new Hall of Famers, and eventually the ISFL 50th anniversary team.
Armstrong has since retired and I’m just waiting for his HOF induction in S28. In the meantime, I’ve recreated for my next sim character by the name of Big Slammu. I’ve kept up with the theme of putting some of my favorite cartoon characters into the sim world. I was hoping to be a LB who got a lot of sacks but we’ll see. I plan to max earn with him as well so I hope the league is still thriving when we’re on Season 35+. I can’t wait to see what the next 25 seasons in this great league will bring, all the new teams, all the new Hall of Famers, and eventually the ISFL 50th anniversary team.
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