I think the ISFL will look dramatically different once the switch to the new sim is complete, but I don’t necessarily know how. The league has been running on the current sim engine since conception, so it's pretty well understood. That, of course, leads to certain types of players and builds of players to be more common than others, both because they perform better, and because they gain better stats. Everyone likes to look at their dot player and see great stats! Hopefully, the new sim has a better balance so that players will feel more free to pursue a player they enjoy more and still be a productive player, and not just because the player ‘works’ better in the sim. I know there will be hiccups, so hopefully the players will be patient! I hope to see players like fullbacks and blocking TEs become more appealing and a wide variety of QB builds be workable instead of what appears to be the current meta of one current style.I think my team, the Wraiths, will be a standout team in the new sim. This year has gone great for us, and I think we have a great group of players who can also be competitive in the new sim as well.a Hopefully we’ll be the last team to win the Ultimus in the old sim!
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