This is an interesting question, although I don't think a ton will change effectively. Which isn't an answer as interesting as the question. I believe that the teams will most likely be in the same positions as before; I don't think that DDSPF21 is going to redefine the world order. What I do think it'll do is raise the profile of the league and make it more attractive to new users. The sim visuals are, frankly, probably the worst part of this league. Which is unfortunate, because it's the most forward facing part of the league. That is to say, if someone searches for the league they'll find 1. The forum, which is visually hard to follow without experience, 2. The wiki, which is weird without context, but probably more understandable than the forum, and finally 3. The YouTube channel. People like watching YouTube videos. They'll click that. But what they'll see is barely football. DDSPF21 is not a fully rendered sim engine, but it is more visually interesting. Also the name alone, using the latest version of the game makes us sound more cutting edge or up to date. When you hear the league uses a weird game that's five years old it sounds like we're behind the times. So in conclusion, I don't think it'll change much, but it will raise our ceiling for growth.
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