The National Simulation Football league continues to get bigger and bigger. I joined this league back in the beginning of 2019 and I’m nearing the 2-year anniversary of me in this great sim league. So much has changed since the. Multiple expansions, season changes, rule changes, name changes, etc. Also the biggest change being that my first player Franklin Armstrong is now retired and I have my new player Big Slammu. Now the league is implementing the newest change, a change in sims that will be used. This brings a lot of new changes like traits, positions are gonna be different and so on. I’m not sure how my player Big Slammu is gonna be like after the position alterations. I think the worst part is that I have no clue how my player’s career is gonna go. I’m glad I had the dream career with Franklin Armstrong but I was hoping Big Slammu would be legendary as well. There’s also gonna be a lot more ISFL recruits and I’m excited what impact they’re able to have on this great league. All these new players who might make HOF level players, win Ultimus’s and generally have fun. I sincerely hope all these new players have as much fun as I had the past couple years.
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