One thing that Zee loves (other than football, eating, and cooking,) is traveling. When he was young, it was hard to get away from the farm to go anywhere but the feed store, school, or football practice. Now that Zee has plenty of money to spend and time off in the offseason, he spends a lot of it traveling. So, naturally, when the Travel channel told his agent they wanted to do a TV show featuring all the places Zee was going, he jumped at the chance. One of the first things Zee did when he signed his first contract was buy a small airplane and get his pilot’s license. He loves jumping in and flying to some random, out of the way place and meeting the people there and doing things he never thought of before. Only now he does it with a film crew in tow to document his experiences! Besides flying around America, Zee also loves international travel, and has gone far and wide in search of fun and relaxation. There’s nothing better than relaxing on a quiet beach with a cold drink. Getting paid for it is just icing on the cake. Apparently, folks love to follow along with Zee on his excursions, because his show is the top ranked one on the Travel channel, and they’ve already extended it another 4 seasons.
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