Quote:11. Write about your team’s biggest rivalry and what makes it so fierce. Is the competition founded in statistics and the team’s recent performance, or is it a rivalry that developed over time during the team’s history that would exist regardless of statistics?
Right now only one rival makes any sense for your Tijuana Luchadores. We rose up this season and took the league by storm going 11-3-0, and yet we finished second in our division and the league I believe. That is why Norfolk is our number one rival at this moment.
We are in line to take them on the playoffs, after having gone 1-1 with them where home field advantage played a major role and experience was important. Early in the season they took advantage of some inexperience on our team, and they blew us out at their home in a 48-23 rout. Later in the year we were determined to get that back and we shut them down and took a 24-10 win away from them. Now we head to the playoffs and back to Norfolk for the rubber match, and I think the principles that we established in the second game need to be utilized, if tweaked a bit.
The first game, we failed to establish the running game and only got 20 yards total in the game. We got into a shootout and we can't afford to be in a race with them. Our blocking scheme didn't get into the second level and get Sconnie McHits, a fellow Yeti prospect, to hold him off. Instead, we were stuttered and sheltered in.
Our second game against them, we were able to control the pace of play, create openings to the run game and utilize that run game to establish a passing offense when things got tight. We baited Norfolk in tight near the endzone and used the one-on-one match-ups that we knew would always go in our favor to light the lamp. We need to keep that going, pulling the defense inward and taking every shot we can on the outside. Otherwise, we're doomed to see them run away with it.
Defensively we need to focus on teh passing game. While they will run the ball, and we can't sell out too hard and let them break through, but keeping a two-high coverage that limits big play ability and makes them get bottled up near the endzone should hold them from doing anything dangerous against us. If we can keep coverage above them, we should have no problems managing that pacing and frustrating a team that wants to go-go-go.
Quote:14. Describe your player and/or team’s journey through this latest season. What were the highlights? What were the lower points? What might you have done differently? What are your expectations for next season?
I believe I did something similar to this in the last couple of seasons, but this time I have a legitimate and great reason to do this as Jason Waterfalls, that's me, has set the record for Pelota de Juegos in Tijuana Luchadores history. In case you don't know spanish, because I don't expect anybody to really even though it's a cool thing to have, that means that I have had the most gameballs in team history and therefore have the most dominant single game performances in team history as well.
The thing that makes this so much more delightful is that @Kotasa was there to see it the whole way through. In spite of all of his gameplanning, telling Live Laughlove to never look in my direction at all, instructing IsHe... ReallyInvisible to purposefully overthrow to the sideline or the back of the endzone to keep me from getting my catches and my touchdowns, and ultimately enforcing a run-only gameplan just to keep the ball out of my hands -- I have overcome the tyranny and become THE Luchadore.
This is the stuff that Disney makes movies about. This is the stuff that CMLL or AAA are going to create a wrestling story around. My evil, despicable coach has held me down for far too long and now I have finally risen above it and taken control of my own destiny. I am Waterfalls, hear me roar!
Take that John Kotasa, or whatever your name is. You can do whatever you want, call me on digs and throw posts, call me on posts and throw gos, call me on gos and throw slants. You can say all you want that I run the wrong routes and I'm a primadonna, we know the TRUTH! You gave me a different playbook, different terminology, and you're just trying to hold me back. Well you can't hold me back any more! I am FREE! And I am LEGENDARY!