Big Slammu has felt noticeable decline in his performance during the offseason and has almost gotten back to 100%. The injuries and violent play style over this relatively short football career are starting to catch up to him. Big Slammu doesn't know how much longer he has on the football field but he's made the resolution to be more grateful and appreciative of his time in the ISFL before he retires. He doesn't know if he'll be a future HoFer or anything, but he hopes he is remembered. Less for the his offseason reality TV show appearances, or controversy on the football field but for his aggressive and highly successful play on the football field. Big Slammu isn't necessarily looking for redemption but is rather looking to savour his last few seasons in the ISFL. Street Sharks is also ending soon as the brothers have felt too old to continue their hit reality TV show, so Slammu is looking at what he can do post football.
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