Who wants to play WW? I'm modding hte next game and we look to start early next week.
1.1 What is Werewolf?
There are two basic principles to the game:
Two teams, uninformed majority vs informed minority, try to eliminate each other by using two ways of killing off players: lynching and nightkilling.
The game alternates between two phases: days for lynches and nights for nightkilling.
For the purpose of deciding which team wins the game the roles in each (basic) game can be best divided into 3 main categories: Villagers, Werewolves, and SPECIAL roles.
The standard format uses a 24 hour basis for its day/night cycle, with dusk (the lynch) taking place at the same time every day, and dawn (the night kill) taking place a short amount of time after.
The standard victory conditions in a game are these:
Villagers win when all the Werewolves are eliminated.
Werewolves win when all Villagers but one are eliminated.
It should also be noted that Players may win even if they are eliminated; if their team wins, all eliminated players on that team also win.
1.2 Lynches
During the day phase of a game, every player votes on other players. These votes can be changed as often as a player wants during the day. The player that has received the most votes at dusk (which is the name for the deadline for submitting votes and marks the transition from the day phase to the night phase) will be eliminated and cannot post any messages in the game thread after that point.
Voting is done by writing out the username of the person you want to eliminate in bold and italics (done by surrounding
During the day phase players are free (and encouraged) to strategize in the thread and post explanations for their votes.
Obviously the Villagers (uninformed majority) will try to lynch a Werewolf during the day, while the Werewolves (informed minority) try to prevent this. This will result in a discussion based on truths, half-truths and lies combined with strategically placed votes. The key is to find out who is telling the truth and who is lying.
In case the lynch vote ends in a tie, a tiebreaker is used to decide who gets lynched. The tiebreaker will be SHFV, or Shortest Held First Vote. This means that if two targets tie in votes, whichever target had less time between the 1st and 2nd votes for that target will be lynched. Voting tallies will be kept during each day phase of a game.
In order for a lynching to occur, two or more votes must be present for the same user. This is used to prevent random lynching.
The deadline for votes will be pre-determined by the host prior to the game starting. When I am running the event you can expect a 9pm EST deadline.
1.3 Nightkills
During the night phases of a game, the Werewolves decide together which of the players they want to kill. The target will be announced at Dawn (the start of the next day phase) and this player cannot post any messages in the game thread after that point.
This day-night cycle will continue until one of the victory conditions is met.
Typically there will not be a nightkill on the first night of the game depending on when the game starts.
Werewolves will have their own designated Discord chat channel to discuss their nightkill and will use that as their communication to the host/narrator as to who their target is. The last name posted in the Discord at the deadline will automatically be the target.
The deadline for selecting a target will typically be at 9am EST but will be at the discretion of the host/narrator prior to the start of the game.
1.4 Communications
In a standard game of Werewolf, Villagers can only communicate in the public discord chat. Werewolves, in addition to the public discord, will have a secret chatroom in which they can discuss their strategy and who they want to kill during the night phase.
You can PM the moderator questions (discord or here) that they do not want to ask in the public thread. The moderator however will NOT disclose any information that would alter the outcome of the game, this is only to be used for clarification and submitting orders if your role entails that.
It is strictly forbidden for players to contact other players outside of the public thread or the above mentioned chatroom for Werewolves regarding the exchange of information vital to the game in progress.
1.5 Moderation
A game of werewolf can only function with the help of a moderator. The moderator, otherwise known as the host or narrator, is a non-player who knows all the roles and carries out the orders that players give during the game. The moderator is also in charge of dawn and dusk and will post the results of the lynches and nightkills in the thread. Usually the moderator is also the one who designed the role set and/or the theme for the game.
1.6 - Werewolf Etiquette
We do not have a set list of etiquette rules that one should always follow. We expect every player to have a good sense of do's and don'ts and they do not differ from the next available forum. We also assume that most players are of age and able to handle grown discussions.
Aside from that, a few things are important. Sportsmanship and believing in fair play are essential. Breaking the letter or spirit of a rule will not be appreciated. If you are in doubt, just ask your moderator.
One important rule: deleting a discord message in the general channel will get you promptly removed from the game.
Participation is key. If you are not able to check into a game that you are signed up for then you might want to reconsider joining it. A good minimum rule of thumb is that you should at least be able to post once each day during a game. But more participation makes for a better game. Remember that moderators and players put time and effort into their games and a lack of participation affects everyone involved.
Obviously, real life always trumps online games and if, for any reason, you aren’t able to play anymore, PM the moderator.
In so far (12/20)
1.1 What is Werewolf?
There are two basic principles to the game:
Two teams, uninformed majority vs informed minority, try to eliminate each other by using two ways of killing off players: lynching and nightkilling.
The game alternates between two phases: days for lynches and nights for nightkilling.
For the purpose of deciding which team wins the game the roles in each (basic) game can be best divided into 3 main categories: Villagers, Werewolves, and SPECIAL roles.
The standard format uses a 24 hour basis for its day/night cycle, with dusk (the lynch) taking place at the same time every day, and dawn (the night kill) taking place a short amount of time after.
The standard victory conditions in a game are these:
Villagers win when all the Werewolves are eliminated.
Werewolves win when all Villagers but one are eliminated.
It should also be noted that Players may win even if they are eliminated; if their team wins, all eliminated players on that team also win.
1.2 Lynches
During the day phase of a game, every player votes on other players. These votes can be changed as often as a player wants during the day. The player that has received the most votes at dusk (which is the name for the deadline for submitting votes and marks the transition from the day phase to the night phase) will be eliminated and cannot post any messages in the game thread after that point.
Voting is done by writing out the username of the person you want to eliminate in bold and italics (done by surrounding
During the day phase players are free (and encouraged) to strategize in the thread and post explanations for their votes.
Obviously the Villagers (uninformed majority) will try to lynch a Werewolf during the day, while the Werewolves (informed minority) try to prevent this. This will result in a discussion based on truths, half-truths and lies combined with strategically placed votes. The key is to find out who is telling the truth and who is lying.
In case the lynch vote ends in a tie, a tiebreaker is used to decide who gets lynched. The tiebreaker will be SHFV, or Shortest Held First Vote. This means that if two targets tie in votes, whichever target had less time between the 1st and 2nd votes for that target will be lynched. Voting tallies will be kept during each day phase of a game.
In order for a lynching to occur, two or more votes must be present for the same user. This is used to prevent random lynching.
The deadline for votes will be pre-determined by the host prior to the game starting. When I am running the event you can expect a 9pm EST deadline.
1.3 Nightkills
During the night phases of a game, the Werewolves decide together which of the players they want to kill. The target will be announced at Dawn (the start of the next day phase) and this player cannot post any messages in the game thread after that point.
This day-night cycle will continue until one of the victory conditions is met.
Typically there will not be a nightkill on the first night of the game depending on when the game starts.
Werewolves will have their own designated Discord chat channel to discuss their nightkill and will use that as their communication to the host/narrator as to who their target is. The last name posted in the Discord at the deadline will automatically be the target.
The deadline for selecting a target will typically be at 9am EST but will be at the discretion of the host/narrator prior to the start of the game.
1.4 Communications
In a standard game of Werewolf, Villagers can only communicate in the public discord chat. Werewolves, in addition to the public discord, will have a secret chatroom in which they can discuss their strategy and who they want to kill during the night phase.
You can PM the moderator questions (discord or here) that they do not want to ask in the public thread. The moderator however will NOT disclose any information that would alter the outcome of the game, this is only to be used for clarification and submitting orders if your role entails that.
It is strictly forbidden for players to contact other players outside of the public thread or the above mentioned chatroom for Werewolves regarding the exchange of information vital to the game in progress.
1.5 Moderation
A game of werewolf can only function with the help of a moderator. The moderator, otherwise known as the host or narrator, is a non-player who knows all the roles and carries out the orders that players give during the game. The moderator is also in charge of dawn and dusk and will post the results of the lynches and nightkills in the thread. Usually the moderator is also the one who designed the role set and/or the theme for the game.
1.6 - Werewolf Etiquette
We do not have a set list of etiquette rules that one should always follow. We expect every player to have a good sense of do's and don'ts and they do not differ from the next available forum. We also assume that most players are of age and able to handle grown discussions.
Aside from that, a few things are important. Sportsmanship and believing in fair play are essential. Breaking the letter or spirit of a rule will not be appreciated. If you are in doubt, just ask your moderator.
One important rule: deleting a discord message in the general channel will get you promptly removed from the game.
Participation is key. If you are not able to check into a game that you are signed up for then you might want to reconsider joining it. A good minimum rule of thumb is that you should at least be able to post once each day during a game. But more participation makes for a better game. Remember that moderators and players put time and effort into their games and a lack of participation affects everyone involved.
Obviously, real life always trumps online games and if, for any reason, you aren’t able to play anymore, PM the moderator.
In so far (12/20)