I'm very excited to be back in the ISFL. When I left, it was the NSFL still and I had retired because I didn't enjoy the sim. Now, with a new sim coming, I am very excited to getting back out on the field and showing what I have to offer. I am really excited by the prospect of being the first draft class in this new sim, and I hope that I don't disappoint with what I bring to the table. I know how sim leagues work and have experience as a current GM in PBE, so I feel like I have the skillset to be a really solid player. I know quarter back is a stacked position, but I think I can break through and become a good quarterback in this league for seasons to come. I know many of the people around the league from various other places, so I think that I have a good enough reputation to at least find a home on a DSFL team. I can not wait to see what that team accomplishes. In my past player’s run, I was a champion with the Yeti, and I hope that I can continue that success. Let’s hope my last player wasn’t a fluke.
I think that the new changes the sim brings are positive and much needed changes to the league. However, I think the transition will be rougher than some might think. Besides simply the logistics of adapting all the players to the new sim, adjusting stats and switching archetypes, I believe there will be some users, general managers in particular, that will be upset at the ambiguity towards strategy that the new sim presents. Although currently guides are being created and information will be released that gives everyone more knowledge on different strategies, such as formations and target distribution in passing plays, the supposed lack of sim testing that will exist in the new sim will surely frustrate users that are accustomed to seeing hard data such as percentage increases and decreases as they adjust their strategies. Whether there will actually not be any sim testing will be hard to know for sure, but I can see ISFL GM's trying to find a way to test with all their might. I am excited to see the old strategies be laid to rest from the old sim. Speed will still be greatly important I'm sure, but I trust the transition team and their passion to create a variety of archetypes that will all be close to equally impactful in the new sim. In addition, getting rid of the 79 speed bug is a great blessing. I would love to be confident that such exploits won't exist in the new sim, but I'm sure in time someone will dive into the code and discover something that wasn't noticed by developers. In the meantime though, it will be a nice golden patch of time where just about everyone is on an even playing field when it comes to build knowledge. This includes the addition of traits which, hearing from those who tested the new sim, are difficult to discern as being better than raw stat increases.
It is my opinion that the new sim is going to change everything. Whether it changes things for the better or worse remains to be seen, but I think it is going to be very disruptive to player and team performance. First and foremost, we have seasons upon seasons of stats and metrics that we have used to develop strategy and push a "meta" way of developing players and teams. Although we can likely assume that some of it will remain, we have no idea whether the "meta" builds will translate to the new sim. Teams that have capitalized on certain builds and strategies may no longer be the powerhouses that they once were, and young players that may have been destined for Hall of Fame play may find themselves underperforming in the new sim. Lastly, the new traits system will significantly impact player TPE allocation in completely new ways that very well may change the impact certain positions may have on a team. If a previously lackluster position can have new and exciting modifiers that impact games significantly, we could see the power projections of teams shuffle considerably and the strategy of the priority of certain positions over others shuffle along with it. All in all, the new sim will be a learning curve for all.
2020 was a big year for the league and I expect 2021 to be much the same. There were 4 expansion teams created last year and if the league continues on its current trend, I expect to see at least 2 more in the coming year. This would bring the total up to 16, a much rounder number that allows for the possibility of divisions or at least an 8-team playoff format. A key factor in this will be the upcoming recruitment cycles, last season the early year recruitment post saw the largest draft class ever in the league and if similar numbers were seen this season, expansion may happen very quickly due to how full some teams in the league already are.
One of the biggest factors in the success of the league may be the new sim. While the old sim is fairly universally disliked, it is a big step to move even with all the hard work the transition team has put in. Positional stats will change and new experimental build paths may still occur to give some teams new edges. For Patrik Money at DT, he expects to start putting on some weight and becoming a large man in the middle of the defensive line to swallow up Running Backs rather than rushing the passer as he did previously.
Everyone is seemingly getting very hyped up about the next upcoming season, and for various reasons. With this year being an r/nfl draft class, there should be a large amount of new recruits coming in, hopefully bringing great players and content with them. In addition, the league will be switching over to a new simulation, which is very exciting indeed. In terms of having a fresh large class coming in, it is very exciting because every new class tends to bring a core of unique and talented new players, which should help the league grow and maintain. As far as the new sim goes, I feel like next season will be one big test for all the teams. We’ll have to find out what is good, what is bad, what works and what doesn’t. In addition to that, we might see some players who previously had mediocre seasons suddenly explode on the stat sheet, or even teams who were struggling manage to have better seasons. This new sim brings on an entire new wave of balance changes that hopefully affect the league in a positive manner, with as little bugs and as much realism as possible. I really think it will be hard to say how the league will look next season, but I’m excited to find out.
I have no doubt in my mind that this new sim will bring about some crazy changes to our league as we know it. My hope is that most of these changes are positive ones. I know the sim conversion team has been working insanely hard to make it work, but I'm sure there will be some unpredictable things that could not be foreseen. At the end of the day, we are still at the mercy of the sim engine itself. One of the greatest changes will be player diversity. We should finally see actual build differences among players in the same position. That in combination with new skills added to the sim, GMs will be in a whole new world when trying to build up a team. I don't know if anyone ever fully confirmed, but I'm really hoping to see both teams actually need 10 yards for a first down. I'm so tired of seeing my team on the road cross what should be the first down marker, only to have the sim say it's 4th down and we punt from the opponents' 35 yard line. Lastly, I wonder if we will see some new league records broken in the first season or two of the new sim. With all that change, I would not be surprised if a position or two find themselves having a career season and break some records that have stood since the beginning. Lastly, I'm hoping my player can still produce in the twilight of his career. I'll be 2 seasons into regression, but still with a respectable amount of TPE. I think Blaylock is past the days of being Safety of the Year, but maybe it still has a pro bowl appearance or two left to give.
Happy New Year ISFL family! I hope this year is so much better for everybody than last year! I personally have high hopes for the new year, not the smallest of which being that there is a brand new sim that we're moving to! As a DSFL player and somebody who plans on contributing for a while in the ISFL, I have some pretty bold predictions and feelings on the next league year. I would like to start with my thoughts on the next DSFL season. The amount of re-creates is outstanding. I love how this league keeps people involved. From what I have been gathering in the locker rooms as well as on twitter, I think that we will see a lot more linemen in the league, and that is probably because of the trait system the new sim is bringing. We are going to see a lot of impact players recreate as big boys! Getting more linemen as users is so good for the position. In regards to the ISFL, I think that we will see a lot of the changes primarily in the draft. This years ISFL draft is going to have a lot of shockers. People will be drafted because they can take advantage of the trait system. We're going to see people become truly one-of-a-kind players, and trend setters for the future. I am excited to hopefully become one of those trend setters and to see my player progress in the new year!