Rickie Vaughne would totally love to do a TV show where he gets to go around Europe, Asia, and other parts of the world eating food, experiencing the culture, and doing other fun things. Something almost like Anthony Bourdain in a way, but more PBS-y. Rickie has always enjoyed watching shows like that in his offtime and would love to be a host of one of his very own. Rickie's show would be fun, but also intense. He is not afraid to do something a bit more risque and out of the park compared to a normal PG tv-show. It would be a lot of fun. There would also be a colorful cast of characters that would follow Rickie around during his adventures throughout the world. It would be crazy, stupid, fun, and intense all rolled into one big fucking package. I cannot wait to get it on the air. You guys are gonna see Rickie Vaughne as you have never seen him before. In all 8 dimensions. Are you curious what the 8th dimension is? Well, it's a double quarter pounder with cheese from the Mcdonalds on the 4th Street in Middletown New Jersey. After you eat that hamburger you are gonna have an out-of-body experience and be able to understand and comprehend all 8 dimensions of Rickie's travels. Look for Rickie's travels on Itune and whatever streaming service is popular these days.
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![[Image: vaughnesigkindadone.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/487266214654246913/810203637225357362/vaughnesigkindadone.png)
![[Image: centervaughne.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/734216301110755368/815639587107635220/centervaughne.png)