With Tim Soulja’s production as a safety for the Grey Ducks, his newfound fans have begged for a more behind the scenes look into the player. Coming out of Dream Land, not many have heard of his school (Dream Land University) much less his hometown in City Trial. This “day in the life” series would take place when Soulja would head back to his hometown so he could show the world his upbringing and passions not named football.
The most prominent hobby that would be the focus of the show would be Air Ride racing. In high school, Soulja competed with his brothers in many local tournaments. He even won first place over his older brother Pink in his fifth and final tournament! This show would dive more into the fierce rivalry he had with his brothers as guest stars and reminisce about those fun races. Soulja would also show off his most prized possession in his modified Jet Star which won him his final tourney. It was customized for max top speed and even repainted to match his color scheme. The show would also dive into how Soulja fell in love with football and how he ended up choosing it as a career over Air Ride racing. Dream Land University would also be a hot spot for the show, as Soulja could show off his many broken records at the small school.
Overall, the series would be a huge hit for his new fans to dive into what make Soulja such a unique and fun character!
Words: 257
""what's the point of having souljas when you never use them? (Never!!)" - M. Brown" - Tim Soulja
Jackie is a man of many talents, he is not just a quarterback but also an exceptional artist, musician, adult film star, bar owner and collector of stuffed animals. But there is one passion in his life that he holds above all others, topiary! This great love of finding and creating magnificent forms from normally boring bushes has led Jackie to team up with home depot to create his own line of both gardening tools and a TV series on the creation, and maintenance of topiary structures. Firstly the tools, there are a great number of axes, clippers, shears, pruning knives, spades, forks, you name it he put his name one it. And not just his name the guarantee that each one is made from real Damascus steal, after a close personal friend (who totally did not 600 years ago sack Damascus and steal all there steel) had a plentiful supply. Each tool even comes with Jackie's personal logo, which he likes to call "The Randy Bat" which is a bat, ummmm looking very happy shall we say. Now the TV series took some work, there are many less episodes on creating topiary vulvars than Jackie would have like and many more on creating a variety of animals and figures. Originally Jackie wanted the whole show to be on this subject but the producer cut it down to a single episode, with a large warning before it begins. This producer has since disappeared so if you have any news on his location please contact the Austin police.
Blago Kokot is an individual who lives by the rule of trying anything and everything at least once. That opens the door for various ideas. I think having Kokot try jobs, challenges, and tasks every week could make for an interesting show. The concept is nothing new. You have the Dirty Jobs, Jackass, Fear Factor, etc that did something similar. Those shows however are in the past a little bit. Or you don't certainly hear about them as often nowadays. That is good news for Kokot and his show as there could still be an audience out there.
The show is all about Blago Kokot doing and trying various activities each week. To show will be an online show. All the episodes will be uploaded to a platform like Youtube. Interaction between the audience and the show is encouraged by allowing the fans of the show to pitch their ideas for upcoming episodes. Each episode will be around 30 minutes long, with as little editing as possible to get a true ''amateur'' vibe for the show.
The first episode could be something simple as following Kokot around during the morning as he gets ready to leave for practice. Then during the car ride, he could talk about the show bit more. From there on each episode focuses on a specific topic, for example, Kokot eating superfoods of the future, Kokot helping someone to move, and Kokot learns how to dance. Nothing too fancy, the point is to show the people that you can have interesting experiences without having to spend a lot of money.