02-27-2021, 12:01 PM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2021, 12:01 PM by Troen.)
prompt Wrote:A famous producer has approached your player with a bright idea that'll make them famous beyond the football world. What is the idea? Will a camera man follow your player in a new reality TV series, show off your player's skills in the kitchen with a new cooking show, or maybe make them appear on the big screen in a new blockbuster film?
I think my particular set of skills is well suited to the courtroom. So, I'd expect a producer to approach me to be part of a new Law and Order, maybe with a twist. Texas being known for more of an independent kind of approach, maybe Law and Order: Vigilante where I play a 'by the book' character who is dealing with some loose cannons that produce results. I think I can be a great stoic contrast to either a quipping irreverent kind of character or a full-on batman solo enforcer type. Actually, Batman but in Austin would be an interesting idea on its own.
More generally, I don't really think I have any talents or interests which would help to make a reality show be interesting. I mean sure, there would be a lot of interest in a show about the Copperheads along the lines of All or Nothing, but I don't think that I would be the right person for that kind of show to focus around. Weight training is another area I could talk and demonstrate a lot about, but I know what works for me rather than what works for anyone - not sure that it'd be very interesting for people watching. So yeah, I think serious drama would definitely be the way for me to go. No hospital stuff though - those places make me a little unsettled after spending time there for hand surgery.
I want to make you famous. These were the first words out of the world renown film maker Hoots Mctoots. The idea that came next was bizarre, crazy, but not unheard of. Mctoots idea was to have a camera crew follow me around doing my daily life routine but with one major catch, nobody else being aware that they were also on camera. A true reality show he called it, a reverse Truman show if you would like, where I would be aware that I am on camera but the rest of the world wouldn't. It would require a lot of advance work, hidden cameras and microphones scattered amongst my home, the training grounds, stadiums and multiple different restaurants, bars and shops. The idea would be that I would live my normal life and he would compile all the footage and produce a film and archive of different aspects of a professional football player. By having the rest of the world largely unaware that they were on camera, we would be able to capture peoples true selves and produce a totally unscripted reality show. The pitch was great, I could truly show off what it was like to be a professional athlete and try to forget about the cameras and just live my life. It would make me known all around the world and definitely increase my marketing.
A famous producer has approached your player with a bright idea that'll make them famous beyond the football world. What is the idea? Will a camera man follow your player in a new reality TV series, show off your player's skills in the kitchen with a new cooking show, or maybe make them appear on the big screen in a new blockbuster film?
If I had a producer approach me about starting something to make me famous outside the football world, I would say put me in a series of obviously terrible horror films that get progressively worse with each sequel. Think of a shittier version of the cameos that Stan Lee made in the Marvel franchise. Every single movie Romulus Roman would be the first one murdered in an extremely brutal fashion to the point that it's an expectation of fans everywhere to see it. The way the films are laid out, it would be very poor quality cinematography, CGI, and acting. Think of some blockbuster films like "Leprechaun" or "Tremors" or "Gremlins" or even "Critters", something along those lines as far as high quality film making goes. Assuming that my player has a similar, if not the same personality as I do, this would be right up my alley as far as a fun way to get my name out there. This would also be a good way to convey my player's personality, showing that he has fun and comedic interests and can humanize a clearly ALL-WORLD Athlete to the average Joe or Jane that watches those shitty films he puts out.
The ISFL network approached the Kansas City Coyotes in the S28 offseason for a potential reality TV show to air following season. Instead of the typical 'Hard Knocks' style training camp show that many other DSFL teams had elected to go with in previous seasons, the Coyotes let the players decide on what they wanted to do. Team captains Prof. Godfrey Gravity and Eleven Kendrick-Watts decided that in due Coyote fashion, they would take the team out into the mountains for a survival in the wild reality TV show. After hearing this news, star linebacker Dexter Hall was bursting with joy. He asked the team if he could lead the survival cooking aspect because he had always loved cooking growing up.
The following week, the Coyotes arrived in the Rocky mountains. Most of the team had no clue how to survive in the wilderness. Luckily, know-it-all Prof. Godfrey Gravity was like a walking encyclopedia. The team captain helped everyone set up camp while Hall went to go look for ingredients for dinner. Hall set up some traps hoping to catch a rabbit for the stew he was going to make as he won't off looking for some spices and vegetables. Hall waded through the brush picking up various vegetables that he would find. Little did he know, not everything in the mountains were safe to eat.... to be continued in the next episode...
Toy Robot, the DSFL's up and coming robot kicker, was recently approached by Japanese media giants and toy company Bandai Namco about an affiliation. Bandai's long running television show and model property Gundam has been looking for ways to break out further in the North American market, and thought a crossover with the rising DSFL star would be a hit for both sides. The DSFL x GUNDAM affiliation includes a huge multimedia sweep including a 4 episode OVA mini series, a guest appearance in the company's upcoming Mobile Suit Gundam video game, a special Gunpla brand model kit, and a series of convention appearances both in the United States and Japan. Bandai Namco plans to integrate Toy Robot into all their media and toy verticals in Q4 S27, just in time for the Pythons to start their playoff run. When asked about the crossover event, Toy Robot was very excited. "I love the Gundam franchise and what it has done for both Japanese and American media, and cannot wait to get my hands on a model for my mantle. Playoffs are obviously my focus right now, but I think this could be huge for both Portland and myself, and is an opportunity to bring something I love across the Pacific into the homes of loyal DSFL fans."