Hey folks! Have you always wanted to help guide the Awards Committee process? Or wanted to get a peek under the hood to see how we come up with the ballots? Well now is your chance, as we have an opening for one of the ISFL Awards Heads. You'll be working with me to help our committee finalize the ballot that is then handed off to the GMs for final vote. Our responsibilities include:
Contact me here on the forum via PM or on Discord Arkz#7018.
- Compiling the list of players for Pro-Bowl and Awards votes
- Guiding and moderating the committee to reach consensus
- Ensuring that GMs and Committee Members have up to date stats for their deliberations
Contact me here on the forum via PM or on Discord Arkz#7018.
![[Image: Foster-Draft-GFX.gif]](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/372161729532133376/759213646991327242/Foster-Draft-GFX.gif)