So you’ve decided to create a Cornerback! But which archetype to choose?
You have three options: Physical Corner, Cover Corner, Slot Corner. Let’s take a look at those in more detail.
Height and Weight
Taller defenders have a better chance of preventing a catch, while heavier defenders have a better chance of breaking through a block and making a successful tackle.
With their primary duties preventing passes from being completed, height is obviously an important factor for CBs. The tallest and heaviest of the three archetypes is the Physical Corner. They stand at 6'2 and weight 210 lbs. Just one inch shorter are the Slot Corners at 6'1 and 200 lbs. Then it's quite a drop to the smallest of the three archetypes, the Cover Corner. They stand at 5'10 and weigh 190 lbs. But as we'll come on to, they make up for their lack of physical presence through other attributes.
![[Image: H5GgBhY.png]](
Probably the most important attribute for a cornerback, and most other positions, is Speed. Speed obviously helps you run faster, and if you can't keep up with the targeted receiver, none of the other factors are going to matter!
The fastest of the bunch is the Cover Corner. They start out at a massive 70 Speed and can reach the dizzying heights of 100. But with the progression scale the way it is, you'll have to spend a ton of TPE to get there!
The other two archetypes, Slot Corner and Physical Corner are identical in terms of their Speed range, starting out at 55 and peaking at 95.
![[Image: fqz6yG6.png]](
Strength is important for tackling and breaking through blocks. Also useful for forcing fumbles.
Unsurprisingly it's the Physical Corner who is the strongest, as well as being the tallest and heaviest. They start out at 50 and can reach 80 Strength.
Cover Corners are the weakest of the three, starting at just 35 Strength and peaking at 70.
And Slot Corners sit between the other two, starting out at 45 Strength with a high of 75. In all three cases, it's not going to take a huge amount of TPE to max this attribute out.
![[Image: hV6FKTb.png]](
Agility is important for breaking through blocks and returning kicks/punts. Also useful for tackling and defending and intercepting passes.
All three archetypes start off at the same value of 55 Agility, but it's the Slot Corner which has the highest potential, peaking at 90 versus 85 for both the Cover Corner and Physical Corner.
If you're going to be a returner, Slot Corner is a great option, costing fewer TPE to max out Speed and Agility than the Cover Corner.
![[Image: kVEagr8.png]](
Smart players are less likely to commit penalties. Useful for forcing fumbles, intercepting and tackling.
Once again it's the Slot Corner that comes out on top here. Like the Cover Corner, they start out at 55 Intelligence, but Slot Corners can reach a high of 90 versus just 85 for the Cover Corner.
Physical Corners also max out at 85 Intelligence, but they have to work slightly harder to get there, starting out with just 50.
![[Image: 3vQqtcH.png]](
Obviously the most important stat for bringing down the ballcarrier, but also helps with forcing fumbles and significantly contributes to breaking through blocks.
Yet another attribute that the Slot Corner excels at. They start out at 40 and peak at 80 Tackling.
Physical Corners and Cover Corners both start out at 35 Tackling, but Physical Corners max out at 75, while it's a peak of just 70 for the Cover Corner.
![[Image: CQCUZN1.png]](
Hands is useful for intercepting passes.
As well as being the most likely to be able to keep up with a targeted receiver, Cover Corners have the highest Hands and will be well placed to intercept the ball. They start out with 45 and max out at 85.
Physical Corners have the next best Hands, with a range of 40 to 80.
Slot Corners are the lowest of the three, starting at 35 and peaking at just 75.
![[Image: Pibivdn.png]](
If the defender has higher Competitiveness than the ballcarrier, they are much more likely to force a fumble. Allows defenders to make more tackles without getting tired.
From the description of this attribute, you might have guessed that it'll be the Physical Corner who has a slight edge here. They start out with 40 Competitiveness and can max out at 80, while the Cover Corner and Slot Corner have a range of 35 to 75.
As well as some traits that are shared between all three archetypes, each one of the three has their own unique trait that helps make them behave a little differently. They can all purchase these traits for 50 TPE once hitting certain attribute prerequisites.
Physical Corners have access to the PressCorner trait. This makes them more likely to go after the ballcarrier on running plays, as well as making them more likely to defend passes and record a PD.
Cover Corners can buy the ShutDownCorner trait. This makes your cornerback much more likely to defend passes and record a PD.
Slot Corners can buy the SlotCorner trait. This makes them much faster when blitzing the quarterback.
So what’ll it be? Physical Corner, Cover Corner or Slot Corner? Once you’ve made your pick, head over to the CREATE A PLAYER TOOL and start building your Cornerback!
You have three options: Physical Corner, Cover Corner, Slot Corner. Let’s take a look at those in more detail.
Height and Weight
Taller defenders have a better chance of preventing a catch, while heavier defenders have a better chance of breaking through a block and making a successful tackle.
With their primary duties preventing passes from being completed, height is obviously an important factor for CBs. The tallest and heaviest of the three archetypes is the Physical Corner. They stand at 6'2 and weight 210 lbs. Just one inch shorter are the Slot Corners at 6'1 and 200 lbs. Then it's quite a drop to the smallest of the three archetypes, the Cover Corner. They stand at 5'10 and weigh 190 lbs. But as we'll come on to, they make up for their lack of physical presence through other attributes.
![[Image: H5GgBhY.png]](
Probably the most important attribute for a cornerback, and most other positions, is Speed. Speed obviously helps you run faster, and if you can't keep up with the targeted receiver, none of the other factors are going to matter!
The fastest of the bunch is the Cover Corner. They start out at a massive 70 Speed and can reach the dizzying heights of 100. But with the progression scale the way it is, you'll have to spend a ton of TPE to get there!
The other two archetypes, Slot Corner and Physical Corner are identical in terms of their Speed range, starting out at 55 and peaking at 95.
![[Image: fqz6yG6.png]](
Strength is important for tackling and breaking through blocks. Also useful for forcing fumbles.
Unsurprisingly it's the Physical Corner who is the strongest, as well as being the tallest and heaviest. They start out at 50 and can reach 80 Strength.
Cover Corners are the weakest of the three, starting at just 35 Strength and peaking at 70.
And Slot Corners sit between the other two, starting out at 45 Strength with a high of 75. In all three cases, it's not going to take a huge amount of TPE to max this attribute out.
![[Image: hV6FKTb.png]](
Agility is important for breaking through blocks and returning kicks/punts. Also useful for tackling and defending and intercepting passes.
All three archetypes start off at the same value of 55 Agility, but it's the Slot Corner which has the highest potential, peaking at 90 versus 85 for both the Cover Corner and Physical Corner.
If you're going to be a returner, Slot Corner is a great option, costing fewer TPE to max out Speed and Agility than the Cover Corner.
![[Image: kVEagr8.png]](
Smart players are less likely to commit penalties. Useful for forcing fumbles, intercepting and tackling.
Once again it's the Slot Corner that comes out on top here. Like the Cover Corner, they start out at 55 Intelligence, but Slot Corners can reach a high of 90 versus just 85 for the Cover Corner.
Physical Corners also max out at 85 Intelligence, but they have to work slightly harder to get there, starting out with just 50.
![[Image: 3vQqtcH.png]](
Obviously the most important stat for bringing down the ballcarrier, but also helps with forcing fumbles and significantly contributes to breaking through blocks.
Yet another attribute that the Slot Corner excels at. They start out at 40 and peak at 80 Tackling.
Physical Corners and Cover Corners both start out at 35 Tackling, but Physical Corners max out at 75, while it's a peak of just 70 for the Cover Corner.
![[Image: CQCUZN1.png]](
Hands is useful for intercepting passes.
As well as being the most likely to be able to keep up with a targeted receiver, Cover Corners have the highest Hands and will be well placed to intercept the ball. They start out with 45 and max out at 85.
Physical Corners have the next best Hands, with a range of 40 to 80.
Slot Corners are the lowest of the three, starting at 35 and peaking at just 75.
![[Image: Pibivdn.png]](
If the defender has higher Competitiveness than the ballcarrier, they are much more likely to force a fumble. Allows defenders to make more tackles without getting tired.
From the description of this attribute, you might have guessed that it'll be the Physical Corner who has a slight edge here. They start out with 40 Competitiveness and can max out at 80, while the Cover Corner and Slot Corner have a range of 35 to 75.
As well as some traits that are shared between all three archetypes, each one of the three has their own unique trait that helps make them behave a little differently. They can all purchase these traits for 50 TPE once hitting certain attribute prerequisites.
Physical Corners have access to the PressCorner trait. This makes them more likely to go after the ballcarrier on running plays, as well as making them more likely to defend passes and record a PD.
Cover Corners can buy the ShutDownCorner trait. This makes your cornerback much more likely to defend passes and record a PD.
Slot Corners can buy the SlotCorner trait. This makes them much faster when blitzing the quarterback.
So what’ll it be? Physical Corner, Cover Corner or Slot Corner? Once you’ve made your pick, head over to the CREATE A PLAYER TOOL and start building your Cornerback!