There's a new sheriff in town... and his name is xdave.
That's right guys, If you don't know (why would you), I am going to be the new head GFX grader. As such, I have lovingly crafted a new and improved graphics rubric that I feel will satisfy all of your concerns about the old grading system while keeping the parts that worked (It's like having your cake and eating it too!).
Implementing this change will be a multi-step process, and the first step of this process is to show you guys the new GFX rules that I wrote up so that we can discuss it and suggest changes, which will prevent me from implementing a system that pisses everyone off. These rules will serve as a draft, that you can suggest changes to them before I officially implement it.
I do plan to officially implement these rules sometime tomorrow, so let's make the suggestion period speedy!
So, for your viewing pleasure, here are the new GFX rules (or as I like to call them, the ten commandments):
1) Graphics will be graded automatically, with each graphic receiving $562,500 dollars (4 GFX = $2,250,000 dollars)
2) You may submit up to 1-4 graphics each week. All must be your own. These submissions should be posted in the "Weekly Submissions" subforum
3) Graders will still comment occasionally on GFXs with critiques, we hope that the community continues to do this as well so that we can help each other to improve
4) A grader will compare one's weekly submissions to their previous submissions to confirm that consistent effort is displayed.
5) If one's GFX creating ability is still imperfect, they will be expected to show some improvement over time to maintain the privilege of automatically claiming payouts.
6) The first time that GFX are seen by graders as not showing consistent effort/below ability, one will be messaged saying that if more substandard work is submitted in consecutive weeks they will be penalized with a $50,000 dollar reduction to each GFX.
7) With every consecutive substandard weekly submission, fines will stack up until work is returned to its pre-fine level of quality
8) These warnings/fines will not be applied for minor technical imperfections on one or two GFX, instead only if a serious drop in overall work quality occurs that shows the automated system is being abused.
9) Along with the warning, those who are warned will be told why the work is seen as substandard, and will be given tips to improve the graphic. If one feels as if their work does show good quality relative to their previous efforts, they will be allowed to argue their point and explain why they should not receive a penalty in the future.
10) Continued abuses to the system or any special cases will be managed appropriately as they present themselves.
So, everyone like it? Let me go over some things that I enjoy about this system.
Automatic Grades: This had to be the single most requested change to GFX grading, the ability to automatically claim money. I designed the payout to try and give a decent amount of money that was about what people would typically earn pre-update.
Effort Based: I didn't want people to just start mailing it in, so I decided that penalties in the new grading system will result only if someone is not trying their best. For example, if someone who typically does great work starts submitting lower quality GFX or if a new creator doesn't show any progress for a few weeks, that might suggest that they are not really trying their best to create high quality content and are just trying to get the most out of the auto-claim system, which would result in penalties.
Informality: Along with the automatic grades, some people were less than pleased that their work was having points deducted for simple technical things, such as blur or shading. With this system, having those minor technical issues (that can be subjective anyway) won't lower the payout. Instead, as previously mentioned, only a large drop/stagnation in quality that suggests someone is taking advantage of the auto-claim system by not trying their best will result in penalties.
As well as the previous point, you will receive a warning before any fine, and you are able to talk with the grader about why or why not the warning/fine was deserved, so penalties aren't necessarily set in stone. This means that when a grader sees a lapse in quality and penalizes a submitter, you might be able to get that penalty reversed by explaining why your GFX was actually of good quality and up to snuff compared with your usual work
Lastly, the penalties start off small, as opposed to going from a 5->4 ($150,000), this system implements a stacking $50,000 fine if work is substandard. This is a much smaller penalty than before that will only get worse if someone continues to try and take advantage of the system, not for minor technical issues with a piece.
Review: Try as you may, you can't replace the graders completely. The graders will still play a role in graphics by reviewing work and simply suggesting changes to GFX. This will allow for people to still get insightful commentary without being penalized for what might be a minor issue with a GFX piece. I would also love if we as a community could give each other critiques as well, to promote improvement within the GFX community
Once the rubric is up and running, I plan to institute a requested graphics page that will allow creators to receive a bonus for creating requested content. Again though, one step at a time.
I wanted the communities input before I went and changed everything, so please, let me know what you think about the system and suggest changes! Thanks so much and I hope to see some dope graphics really soon!
That's right guys, If you don't know (why would you), I am going to be the new head GFX grader. As such, I have lovingly crafted a new and improved graphics rubric that I feel will satisfy all of your concerns about the old grading system while keeping the parts that worked (It's like having your cake and eating it too!).
Implementing this change will be a multi-step process, and the first step of this process is to show you guys the new GFX rules that I wrote up so that we can discuss it and suggest changes, which will prevent me from implementing a system that pisses everyone off. These rules will serve as a draft, that you can suggest changes to them before I officially implement it.
I do plan to officially implement these rules sometime tomorrow, so let's make the suggestion period speedy!
So, for your viewing pleasure, here are the new GFX rules (or as I like to call them, the ten commandments):
1) Graphics will be graded automatically, with each graphic receiving $562,500 dollars (4 GFX = $2,250,000 dollars)
2) You may submit up to 1-4 graphics each week. All must be your own. These submissions should be posted in the "Weekly Submissions" subforum
3) Graders will still comment occasionally on GFXs with critiques, we hope that the community continues to do this as well so that we can help each other to improve
4) A grader will compare one's weekly submissions to their previous submissions to confirm that consistent effort is displayed.
5) If one's GFX creating ability is still imperfect, they will be expected to show some improvement over time to maintain the privilege of automatically claiming payouts.
6) The first time that GFX are seen by graders as not showing consistent effort/below ability, one will be messaged saying that if more substandard work is submitted in consecutive weeks they will be penalized with a $50,000 dollar reduction to each GFX.
7) With every consecutive substandard weekly submission, fines will stack up until work is returned to its pre-fine level of quality
8) These warnings/fines will not be applied for minor technical imperfections on one or two GFX, instead only if a serious drop in overall work quality occurs that shows the automated system is being abused.
9) Along with the warning, those who are warned will be told why the work is seen as substandard, and will be given tips to improve the graphic. If one feels as if their work does show good quality relative to their previous efforts, they will be allowed to argue their point and explain why they should not receive a penalty in the future.
10) Continued abuses to the system or any special cases will be managed appropriately as they present themselves.
So, everyone like it? Let me go over some things that I enjoy about this system.
Automatic Grades: This had to be the single most requested change to GFX grading, the ability to automatically claim money. I designed the payout to try and give a decent amount of money that was about what people would typically earn pre-update.
Effort Based: I didn't want people to just start mailing it in, so I decided that penalties in the new grading system will result only if someone is not trying their best. For example, if someone who typically does great work starts submitting lower quality GFX or if a new creator doesn't show any progress for a few weeks, that might suggest that they are not really trying their best to create high quality content and are just trying to get the most out of the auto-claim system, which would result in penalties.
Informality: Along with the automatic grades, some people were less than pleased that their work was having points deducted for simple technical things, such as blur or shading. With this system, having those minor technical issues (that can be subjective anyway) won't lower the payout. Instead, as previously mentioned, only a large drop/stagnation in quality that suggests someone is taking advantage of the auto-claim system by not trying their best will result in penalties.
As well as the previous point, you will receive a warning before any fine, and you are able to talk with the grader about why or why not the warning/fine was deserved, so penalties aren't necessarily set in stone. This means that when a grader sees a lapse in quality and penalizes a submitter, you might be able to get that penalty reversed by explaining why your GFX was actually of good quality and up to snuff compared with your usual work
Lastly, the penalties start off small, as opposed to going from a 5->4 ($150,000), this system implements a stacking $50,000 fine if work is substandard. This is a much smaller penalty than before that will only get worse if someone continues to try and take advantage of the system, not for minor technical issues with a piece.
Review: Try as you may, you can't replace the graders completely. The graders will still play a role in graphics by reviewing work and simply suggesting changes to GFX. This will allow for people to still get insightful commentary without being penalized for what might be a minor issue with a GFX piece. I would also love if we as a community could give each other critiques as well, to promote improvement within the GFX community
Once the rubric is up and running, I plan to institute a requested graphics page that will allow creators to receive a bonus for creating requested content. Again though, one step at a time.
I wanted the communities input before I went and changed everything, so please, let me know what you think about the system and suggest changes! Thanks so much and I hope to see some dope graphics really soon!
The user formerly known as xdave2456