In the time since he joined the league a season ago, a lot has changed for defensive end Demon Jaxson. He was drafted in the first round of the ISFL draft to the Sarasota Sailfish, something which he could not be happier about, especially since his teammate since day 1, LeBron James III got selected to go there too, as well as his new Portland teammate, Quavious McGrady. The first round draft selection shocked him, especially considering his stats the previous season were not the greatest, and his beloved Portland hadn’t even seen the postseason despite, at 7-7, having a better record than the team who eventually hoisted the Ultimini. Enough sad reflection on the season just gone however, as the future for the Pythons looks as bright as ever. Portland had a great draft, and picked up a wonderful class of young rookies who are looking to take the league by storm, as well as all the DSFL veterans coming back to lead the squad to what will hopefully be a victorious season. It is already looking good for them too, as they won their first game against the London Royals 27-13, and Jaxson came up with a nice pair of sacks to help get that win.
S27 Ultimus DPOTG
S27 Ultimus DPOTG