Another season is underway, and of course every season has to start with training camp. It sucks but it is an ISFL tradition that must be upheld. Frankly, to be more accurate, it is a football tradition and not just an ISFL one. The Wraiths are coming into the ISLF season as defending champions and the theme of this year's training camp was not becoming complacent. There seems to be a trend of teams who've just won an ISFL championship sitting on their laurels and goofing off during Training Camp. Unfortunately, the Wraiths may have been guilty of that this offseason. They have won 2 championships in the past 3 seasons, and the training camp atmosphere was slow and sluggish. New voted defensive captain Big Slammu and named the defensive MVP of the S28 Wraiths had the interesting experience of being the one to hold players accountable. It is well known that Big Slammu is (slightly( immature and loves to cause havok and mess around, but this season he used that energy for something good. He made the Wraiths feed on the idea of being the bullies on the block, about to make the ISFL in general bow down to the Wraiths dominance. Slammu clearly gets off on that and it seems to have energized the squad.
I already knew coming in to the season this training camp would be different. Not only would I be coming in as the defensive captain but as one of the oldest players left. Our Ultimini wining team has been decimated by call ups this last offseason. That meant this training camp would be more important than ever. Not only for our rookies but for the London leadership. I arrived about an hour early on day one just to get a look at the rookies. Not surprisingly I was quickly joined by Buffalo Hunter in the locker room. We agreed we would have our work cut out for us this season but we’re honored with the selections of offensive and defensive Captains. The first of the rookies to arrive was Parmalee our rookie Quarterback. I appreciated that he seemed to be taking things seriously. Arriving together was a pair it would be hard to miss. Our rookie Wide Receiver Bradley Welch and Rookie CB Savior Hawkins. Welch instantly made a name for himself upon setting foot in the locker room by proclaiming his greatness for the team to hear. Hawkins had a different approach he was showboating but wasn’t soft spoken either. He looked like he was hear to learn. Over the next few weeks we would push them to their breaking point. To our surprise no body quit the rookies kept pushing forward through every drill and workout sessions we could throw at them until our camp came to a close. A brilliant performance from our Rookies. Hopefully we can translate the hard work onto the field and make a championship run.