One day, about a quarter of the way through the season, QB Dustin Parmelee was cruising through applications on his phone, when he realized, his name was beginning to trend on google, and upon further investigation he discovered a tweet from a 10-year-old boy. The tweet in a nutshell said that all he wanted for his birthday was for Dustin Parmelee to show up and have some cake with him. He instantly jumped on his twitter and located the tweet from little Johnny Baxter, clearly an enormous London Royal fan! DP decided he was going to attend this party. He recruited B-Dub (Bradley Welch) and Savior Hawkins to join him. The party started in the afternoon and was on a Saturday. Saturday practices are short and are more of a walk through for the game ahead. He figured it was a perfect time to go since they will not miss any practices or team activities. Dustin for course never told the young fan, instead he had the London PR representative find out the address of Johnny since the party would be help at his home. They collaborated and decided that crashing the party would be the perfect way to send his party to the next level. DP is also bringing with him a football signed by the whole team, and an authentic game jersey of Dustin’s from their week one game vs Minnesota. He also had with him a pinata shaped like the Royals logo, packed full of candy and one hundred single dollar bills. They all hoped into Savior’s whip because he has the dopiest ride in the DSFL. When they get their everyone is outside enjoying themselves, but Dustin knew how to make them have even more fun. They park around the corner, and grab the gifts out of the car, and he also had a megaphone that he snuck from the coach’s office. When Savior seen it, he got hyped and asked how did you get that? “Im stupid sneaky kid, I’m just worried about how to get it back where it belongs without being detected.” Replied Parm.
As they were coming up to the yard where the party was Dustin fired up the megaphone. He said into the megaphone “HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHNNIE!” everyone looked over to see what the commotion was, and they all looked shocked when they realize not only was it Dustin Parmelee, but also 2 other high-profile rookies on the team. The three London players then started signing Happy Birthday through the megaphone for Johnny. Johnnie was so shocked and happy he did not know how to react. Dustin Showed him the pinata and Johnny immediately wanted to hang it and got his whiffle ball bat to hit it with. When it finally burst open, and all the candy fell out the kids dove of the candy. Because the money was on the very top it was the last thing to fall out, and Johnny was able to collect all $100 while the other kids were distracted getting candy. Another shockingly incredible moment for Johnny.
They continued partying for an hour or so when things started dying down and the kids started going home. Dustin went up to Johnny and his mother to tell him how awesome his party. Dustin also had another present for him. Dustin asked Johnny if there was anything else that would make his birthday simply perfect? Johnny replied, it’s already been more perfect than I ever imagined thank you so much for coming Dustin! And then proceeded to give Dustin a hug. Dustin replied “Hey little man, Im glad I came too. You are a cool kid and I like you! In fact, I like you so much, I would like to see you and your family again. So how about you all come to our next home game on me and handed Johnny tickets to their next home game. Johnny started yelling and screaming and went absolutely nuts! He has never been to an actual game and was thrilled to death at this opportunity. “Listen Lil man, you guys better come, because I intend to put up one of these just for you.” Dustin Said, then without hesitation he grabbed the football the team signed, looked at Welch, and Welch back at him, Dustin yelled “Hut Hut!” and Welch exploded down the yard as fast as he could, Savior noticing too late stumbled at first but then got his bearings and took off to cover him. Dustin launched a perfect spiral in the perfect location right into Brad’s outstretched hands a good 50 yards away. B-Dub did his touchdown dance, right in the face of Savior who yelled “You’re lucky I wasn’t ready!” and Bradley replied “yeah right dude. That throw was perfect and right on the money!” Johnny yells “TOUCHDOWN!” as him and Dustin started celebrating themselves, and little Johnny broke into his own touchdown dance.
As they were coming up to the yard where the party was Dustin fired up the megaphone. He said into the megaphone “HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHNNIE!” everyone looked over to see what the commotion was, and they all looked shocked when they realize not only was it Dustin Parmelee, but also 2 other high-profile rookies on the team. The three London players then started signing Happy Birthday through the megaphone for Johnny. Johnnie was so shocked and happy he did not know how to react. Dustin Showed him the pinata and Johnny immediately wanted to hang it and got his whiffle ball bat to hit it with. When it finally burst open, and all the candy fell out the kids dove of the candy. Because the money was on the very top it was the last thing to fall out, and Johnny was able to collect all $100 while the other kids were distracted getting candy. Another shockingly incredible moment for Johnny.
They continued partying for an hour or so when things started dying down and the kids started going home. Dustin went up to Johnny and his mother to tell him how awesome his party. Dustin also had another present for him. Dustin asked Johnny if there was anything else that would make his birthday simply perfect? Johnny replied, it’s already been more perfect than I ever imagined thank you so much for coming Dustin! And then proceeded to give Dustin a hug. Dustin replied “Hey little man, Im glad I came too. You are a cool kid and I like you! In fact, I like you so much, I would like to see you and your family again. So how about you all come to our next home game on me and handed Johnny tickets to their next home game. Johnny started yelling and screaming and went absolutely nuts! He has never been to an actual game and was thrilled to death at this opportunity. “Listen Lil man, you guys better come, because I intend to put up one of these just for you.” Dustin Said, then without hesitation he grabbed the football the team signed, looked at Welch, and Welch back at him, Dustin yelled “Hut Hut!” and Welch exploded down the yard as fast as he could, Savior noticing too late stumbled at first but then got his bearings and took off to cover him. Dustin launched a perfect spiral in the perfect location right into Brad’s outstretched hands a good 50 yards away. B-Dub did his touchdown dance, right in the face of Savior who yelled “You’re lucky I wasn’t ready!” and Bradley replied “yeah right dude. That throw was perfect and right on the money!” Johnny yells “TOUCHDOWN!” as him and Dustin started celebrating themselves, and little Johnny broke into his own touchdown dance.