If my player Richard Leaking were invited to a young fan's birthday party, there is no doubt in my mind that he would do everything in his power to attend the party. After all, fans are the backbone of this league, and indeed all sports leagues - without the fans' sheer numbers and expendable income, Leaking's paychecks would be seriously lacking in the digit department. Back to this party - if Richard were invited, he would not only go, but he would try to get as many of his teammates as possible to attend with him to try to make this young Otter fan's day as memorable and spectacular as possible. This would also give Richard a chance to flex his skills in the kitchen! Richard could prepare his famous Orange Otter Creamsicle Cupcakes, which, despite the not so great name, are often a big success at Otter related functions. Lately, Richard has also been working to perfect the ratios for his newest recipe - flaming Grand Marnier coffee (get it because Grand Marnier is orange like the otters). This may either get Richard in trouble because he brought a cocktail recipe to a child's birthday party, or make some of the parents enjoy the party a lot more. You win some, you lose some.
I think Richard would have a pretty good chance at convincing his teammates to come along with him, because if there's one thing we like in Orange County, it's making the fans happy. Also partying.
I think Richard would have a pretty good chance at convincing his teammates to come along with him, because if there's one thing we like in Orange County, it's making the fans happy. Also partying.
![[Image: richardleaking.gif]](https://sig.grumpybumpers.com/host/richardleaking.gif)
![[Image: reverendoreily.gif]](https://sig.grumpybumpers.com/host/reverendoreily.gif)