Okay, anybody defending this needs to seriously read this post again:
Look, that kinda meme isn’t my cup of tea but it might be yours. Power to you. It is undeniably a type that could get somebody in trouble if it popped up on their screen in certain settings. Therefore... not a meme for a discord channel in which people don’t know it’s coming.
Most people were fined small amounts. Live and learn from mistakes. Move on
(03-12-2020, 08:15 PM)Bwestfield Wrote:Thank God you didn't post that in a server I'm in and got me fired. I have a wife and child to feed. If you think $8m pretend money is too much for doing something that is obviously not a good idea, have at it. That's not what I signed up for. Next time make your own private server for your "memes".
Look, that kinda meme isn’t my cup of tea but it might be yours. Power to you. It is undeniably a type that could get somebody in trouble if it popped up on their screen in certain settings. Therefore... not a meme for a discord channel in which people don’t know it’s coming.
Most people were fined small amounts. Live and learn from mistakes. Move on