(04-01-2021, 10:58 PM)DarknessRising Wrote: @tMuse @Z-Whiz Im tagging you both cause screw getting the quoting to sit right and you both talked about the same thing in regards to the off-season PPT survey.In all that trashing i just wanna say i really appreciate you and the other members of HO who stepped out here on the battlefield and tried to bring some reasoning in here. This is the kind of shit we need.
I can only speak for myself that, at this current point in time, all responses have not been read. There were 312 responses which is amazing numbers (its about 30 less than the same week's Activity Check). Personally I have probably read close to the 150-175 mark, but I was the one created and made the survey on google forms, so unlike the rest of HO i could sit there much easiily just reading and making sure responses/codewords were okay than the rest could using the generated spreadsheet.
There is going to be a full analysis and piece written for it, I do not know when that will be done and unfortunately its only going to be pushed back later than people think whilst we sort out the fallout from this but please bare with me and the rest of HO has it gets done.
Good fucking job, i really mean that. keep it up!