It would be all too easy for me to make an argument for why Suleiman Ramza should be in the Most Valuable Player conversations. Much to the chagrin of the rest of the league, quarterbacks and the league’s top award go together like peanut butter and jam. Rather, I would like to argue the case for one Garfield Despacito Junior as the league’s next most valuable player, breakout player, offensive player of the year, I do not care! But to me, it would be criminal to not see him as an awards favourite if he continues to have the season he is having. Six weeks into the regular season and Despacito Jr leads the league in receiving touchdowns with eight; the next highest is five. He has put up an incredible four hundred and fifty-one yards on nineteen receptions, and his performances have been a highlight for the Orange County Otters. In particular, I believe his highlight play of a sixty-two yard touchdown will be one that encapsulates his season perfectly. You asked for hot takes and I am more than happy to provide you with the hottest take. If Garfield Despactio Junior continues to play like this, he will become the first receiver since Ricky Adams in 2027 to win the Most Valuable Player award.
We Are Despacito.
We Are Despacito.
219 Words