Vincenct Sharpei: "Ummmmmm, Where is Bovo?"
RFFO: "Sorry Bovo went missing and put me back in charge."
Terrell Brister: " He would never do something like that..."
RFFO: "Either way, This was my team and I'm in charge now. There are going to be some changes.
First off, I've recruited a bunch of new players. Next I had Logan Noble inject everyone with steroids. It's already happened and there is nothing you can do about it.
Blackford Oakes: "But if we get drug tested, we will be suspended or kicked out!?"
RFFO: "Exactly! With this new recruiting class comes another twist. Bots aren't allowed other than for offensive line, but that changes now. Jayce Tuck helped me add some bots among you.
Charlie Law: "This is madness, We won't have a team as soon as anyone gets drug tested!"
RFFO: "This team will either win the ultimus, or never play again..."
*Time passes*
Head office member: "Commissioner, what are we going to do about Nola? It would be terrible for ratings if we drug tested all of them and played down one team this year. Also apparently they have robots playing ineligible positions"
Commissioner: "I have a better idea. Lets have them all vote on who should be drug tested every day. This way we slowly fix the problem and we can televise it and make more money. Who wouldn't pay to watch a bunch of NSFL players yell at each other?
Head office lackey: "Brilliant sir!"
Commisioner: "And to make sure to keep ratings up, We will sweep the PEDs under the rug if they can get rid of the 2 bots among them, if not we will have to dismantle the team."
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Welcome to National Simulation Football Literally Battlestar Galactica Mafia Game.
Will Nola Second Line rid their team of bots or be dismantled by RFFO's evil revenge plot?
This game is for 9 players.
New to mafia? Click here for an explanation Mafia explanation
This is a closed set up in which the players will not know which roles are in the game.
The set up is very balanced and is effectively a 50/50% chance to win for both robots and humans.
The possible roles are the following:
Robot goon - A goon is a member of the robot team with no special abilities. They have access to the faction's ability to commit the night kill.
Robot Roleblocker - A roleblocker is a member of the robot team. They have the ability to target a player at night and prevent them from taking night actions. This does not stop passive abilities. When an ability is roleblocked, it is considered to have never happened. They have access to the faction's ability to commit the night kill, but can only choose to roleblock or night kill.
Robot Rolecop - A rolecop is a member of the robot team. They have the ability to target a player and learn their role. They have access to the faction's ability to commit the night kill, but can only choose to rolecop or night kill.
The robot team will only have access to chat with each other during the night phase.
Human Cop - Has the ability to inspect a player at night and learn their faction.
Human Neopolitan - Has the ability to inspect a player at night to see whether or not they are Vanilla town (is town with no special abilities).
Human Jailkeeper - Has the ability to target and a player at night and put them in jail for the duration. This night action prevents the target from being killed by the robot's night kill action, but also prevents the target from taking a night action. A combination of the doctor and roleblocker roles.
Human Doctor - Has the ability to target another player at night which will prevent the target from a kill against them. The doctor is not allowed to target themselves. They can target the same person multiple nights in a row. They will not be told if their protection was successful.
Human Tracker - Has the ability to target a player at night and learn who, if anybody, that player targeted the same night. They will not find out the action the player performed. If the player did not target anyone that night, they will get a "did not target anyone" response from the moderator.
Human Town - Also known as Vanilla town, has no night abilities.
1. This is a game. Have fun. Play to win but plase don't make personal attacks or use derogatory language. Just play your part and help to make the game fun for everyone.
2. All votes must be bolded and should be a new line. Unvotes are not required before voting someone else.
3. A simple majority is required to lynch and when this has been reached, any further votes/unvotes will be ignored. If deadline is passed before this happens, there will be NO LYNCH. Also, this means that a tie vote will result in a no lynch.
4. After I have announced a lynch or night kill. The dead player must stop posting in the thread. I will provide a link to a discord for dead players and spectators to watch and communicate safely.
5. Day phases will last a maximum of 72 hours. Nights will last at most 12 hours (or until I have all night actions, whichever is shorter).
6. I will be prodding anyone who does not post for more than 50 hours without posting. If I have to prod a player more than once, I'll try and find a replacement player.
7. Let me know if you are going to be unavailable for more than 50 hours. If so, we can throw around the idea of a minor extension or replacing you.
8. Do not talk about this game outside of the thread unless your role personal message specifically states it.
9. Do not quote or screen shot from any moderator personal message or communication. Paraphrasing is fine.
10. Don't use ciphers or encrypted text to leave weird clues or communicate unfairly.
11. Do not edit your posts. This is so players can catch other players lies. If you want to edit, Just create a new post and start it off with EBWOP: which stands for "Edit by way of post" and type what you meant. Don't delete posts.
11. When in doubt, ask me via personal message.
12. Don't post in the game thread if you aren't a player.
Just respond /In to sign up
1.) Roly
2.) Adam2552
3.) SwagSloth
4.) DeathOnReddit
5.) iamslm22
6.) Beaver
7.) nunccoepi
8.) AdamS
9.) Daybe
(these players will replace the a starting player if they do not post for extended periods of time)
If you wanna just talk about the game or talk to dead players, I'll PM you a discord where that can happen.
3.)SirMelchior (IRL friend)
RFFO: "Sorry Bovo went missing and put me back in charge."
Terrell Brister: " He would never do something like that..."
RFFO: "Either way, This was my team and I'm in charge now. There are going to be some changes.
First off, I've recruited a bunch of new players. Next I had Logan Noble inject everyone with steroids. It's already happened and there is nothing you can do about it.
Blackford Oakes: "But if we get drug tested, we will be suspended or kicked out!?"
RFFO: "Exactly! With this new recruiting class comes another twist. Bots aren't allowed other than for offensive line, but that changes now. Jayce Tuck helped me add some bots among you.
Charlie Law: "This is madness, We won't have a team as soon as anyone gets drug tested!"
RFFO: "This team will either win the ultimus, or never play again..."
*Time passes*
Head office member: "Commissioner, what are we going to do about Nola? It would be terrible for ratings if we drug tested all of them and played down one team this year. Also apparently they have robots playing ineligible positions"
Commissioner: "I have a better idea. Lets have them all vote on who should be drug tested every day. This way we slowly fix the problem and we can televise it and make more money. Who wouldn't pay to watch a bunch of NSFL players yell at each other?
Head office lackey: "Brilliant sir!"
Commisioner: "And to make sure to keep ratings up, We will sweep the PEDs under the rug if they can get rid of the 2 bots among them, if not we will have to dismantle the team."
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Welcome to National Simulation Football Literally Battlestar Galactica Mafia Game.
Will Nola Second Line rid their team of bots or be dismantled by RFFO's evil revenge plot?
This game is for 9 players.
New to mafia? Click here for an explanation Mafia explanation
This is a closed set up in which the players will not know which roles are in the game.
The set up is very balanced and is effectively a 50/50% chance to win for both robots and humans.
The possible roles are the following:
Robot goon - A goon is a member of the robot team with no special abilities. They have access to the faction's ability to commit the night kill.
Robot Roleblocker - A roleblocker is a member of the robot team. They have the ability to target a player at night and prevent them from taking night actions. This does not stop passive abilities. When an ability is roleblocked, it is considered to have never happened. They have access to the faction's ability to commit the night kill, but can only choose to roleblock or night kill.
Robot Rolecop - A rolecop is a member of the robot team. They have the ability to target a player and learn their role. They have access to the faction's ability to commit the night kill, but can only choose to rolecop or night kill.
The robot team will only have access to chat with each other during the night phase.
Human Cop - Has the ability to inspect a player at night and learn their faction.
Human Neopolitan - Has the ability to inspect a player at night to see whether or not they are Vanilla town (is town with no special abilities).
Human Jailkeeper - Has the ability to target and a player at night and put them in jail for the duration. This night action prevents the target from being killed by the robot's night kill action, but also prevents the target from taking a night action. A combination of the doctor and roleblocker roles.
Human Doctor - Has the ability to target another player at night which will prevent the target from a kill against them. The doctor is not allowed to target themselves. They can target the same person multiple nights in a row. They will not be told if their protection was successful.
Human Tracker - Has the ability to target a player at night and learn who, if anybody, that player targeted the same night. They will not find out the action the player performed. If the player did not target anyone that night, they will get a "did not target anyone" response from the moderator.
Human Town - Also known as Vanilla town, has no night abilities.
1. This is a game. Have fun. Play to win but plase don't make personal attacks or use derogatory language. Just play your part and help to make the game fun for everyone.
2. All votes must be bolded and should be a new line. Unvotes are not required before voting someone else.
3. A simple majority is required to lynch and when this has been reached, any further votes/unvotes will be ignored. If deadline is passed before this happens, there will be NO LYNCH. Also, this means that a tie vote will result in a no lynch.
4. After I have announced a lynch or night kill. The dead player must stop posting in the thread. I will provide a link to a discord for dead players and spectators to watch and communicate safely.
5. Day phases will last a maximum of 72 hours. Nights will last at most 12 hours (or until I have all night actions, whichever is shorter).
6. I will be prodding anyone who does not post for more than 50 hours without posting. If I have to prod a player more than once, I'll try and find a replacement player.
7. Let me know if you are going to be unavailable for more than 50 hours. If so, we can throw around the idea of a minor extension or replacing you.
8. Do not talk about this game outside of the thread unless your role personal message specifically states it.
9. Do not quote or screen shot from any moderator personal message or communication. Paraphrasing is fine.
10. Don't use ciphers or encrypted text to leave weird clues or communicate unfairly.
11. Do not edit your posts. This is so players can catch other players lies. If you want to edit, Just create a new post and start it off with EBWOP: which stands for "Edit by way of post" and type what you meant. Don't delete posts.
11. When in doubt, ask me via personal message.
12. Don't post in the game thread if you aren't a player.
Just respond /In to sign up
1.) Roly
2.) Adam2552
3.) SwagSloth
4.) DeathOnReddit
5.) iamslm22
6.) Beaver
7.) nunccoepi
8.) AdamS
9.) Daybe
(these players will replace the a starting player if they do not post for extended periods of time)
If you wanna just talk about the game or talk to dead players, I'll PM you a discord where that can happen.
3.)SirMelchior (IRL friend)